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Samples » presets, patches, impulses

Team V.R | Nov 08 2017 | 5.37 GB
Kabuki & Noh Percussion is a fascinating collection of authentically played Japanese percussion instruments and noisemakers produced by Sonica for BFD3 and BFD2.

Combining the emotions, grandeur and mystery of Kabuki and Noh performances with the reverberations of tapped hand drums, Kabuki & Noh Percussion features 56 authentic Japanese percussion instruments including traditional hand drums, pitched drums, bells, gongs and music boxes alongside Noh flute and authentic vocal motifs. Also included are the ashibyoshi foot beats and tsukeuchi sound-effect clappers crucial to Kabuki performance. The instruments are played by master traditional Japanese percussionist Takinojo Mochizuki with alternating left/right hits and up to 99 velocity layers.

Well-preserved vintage mics, Neve preamps and an anechoic room similar to the bamboo-curtained orchestra room in a Kabuki theatre were used for the recordings. Reverb can be added as needed - Kabuki & Noh Percussion preserves the true character of the instruments' sound. Also included are over 150 Grooves which offer instant access to real nagauta and Noh performance rhythm patterns.

•Expansion pack for for BFD3 and BFD2
•Japanese percussion from Kabuki theatre
•56 instruments, vocal calls and more
•Includes 156 authentic Grooves

* - since all the *.exe are self-extracting RAR-archives, MacOSX users should first unpack them somehow
** - new expansions work only @ Team V.R release of BFD3 because preactivated. But R2R release requires activation of expansions.
*** - old expansions from BFD2 updated for BFD3

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  Resident 2.11.2014 2470 11739
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  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17037
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  Banned 17.02.2014 1 307
PLEASE, POST "SOUNDWARE" IN SAMPLES SECTION !!!! 3 pages of the Software section full of FXpansion "SOUND PACKS" posted in the last days! WTF? (Where's the admin?)
  Resident 7.07.2016 14 1064
Chill your temper sugar tits...
  Resident 31.01.2013 213
The admin is too busy downloading all these lovely bfd3 expansions to answer you. :)

Anyway, when did you get elected the arbiter of what gets uploaded?

Also, these are not samples, they are in a proprietary fxpansion format, which makes them soundpacks and not samples.
  Member 28.06.2017 1 5
Already everything is in order, thank you.
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
wallace Hey Wallace, you first calm down. You are always complaining, but hey boy, remember me, what have you done lately for this community? Ohh I see 2 post 2 request.
No one owes you anything remember.
So if you dont like the way we work here, you know where the door is...
Or do you want me to show you the way?

Now, about the category, I'm sorry, this belongs to preset and libraries certainly not to software. And anyway, that's not such a problem. You see a post that's not for you, just scroll down. Or are you really sooo lazy that you cant even do that?
  Banned 17.02.2014 1 307
1 - Uploading is fine, I'm just saying they are in the wrong section.

2 - Look at the left side and click on +SAMPLES (you are sooo wrong)...

samples root
Kontakt libraries
· nicnt wallpapers
sound effects
presets, patches...
multitrack, acapella
MIDI, SF, Akai
  Resident 31.01.2013 213
Ahh, when you stop SHOUTING and explain things quietly i now understand what you mean. :)
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
Wallace No, your not "just saying", your criticizing the work of post moderator PiRAT who is doing a fantastic job under the hood here, while you only come to download and complain....
His work is not even visible to most members so he never get a thank for moderating the posts.

Any positive person would have sent a PM explaining politely the section question. While you where shouting and expressing anger .
  Resident 31.05.2010 4 2290
You said i ´m just saying??
Yeah right..
Looks more like you are dictating and also act like you own the sites and how it should be runned.
Let me point out to you that you are NOT admin and NOT moderator here so you have no rights to correct anyone in here you can however point out to admin and to poster but do that with a PM not in the comment section.
B.t.w there is other sites if you dont like how things run in here so just leave we dont need people like you in here
That attitude belongs to youtube or other places where people comment to get there frustration out of the system behind a keyboard
So please leave or let the people who actually contribute to this site do it the way they do it..
  Resident 24.04.2014 151
Mac users, join rar files, use KeyGen app to open the resulting file, you'll get a window with three new files, again use KG app to open THE FIRST ONE, that'll create an installer, click install and choose any folder on your desktop, it'll tell you that the folder doesn't exists, if you would like to create one, click yes and patiently watch it unfold. Drop the resulting folder on your BFD3 library location. Re-scan and use the R2R Fxpansion KG and instructions to finish install.

Cheers, and thanks Sunny as always . . .
What you see is what you get.

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