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Samples » multi-libraries
Digital Juice MusicBOX Collection 1 DVD9 SCD D0-5-SUNiSO screenshot
Team SUNiSO | 27 Oct 2010 | 28.42 GB
The MusicBOX Library is a new concept in layered production audio from Digital Juice. You will be familiar with the proprietary STX layered format these songs are delivered in, but unlike our retired StackTraxx library, which consisted of smaller themed volumes, each collection in the MusicBOX library is a large eclectic assortment of 100 all-new original songs.

Each song is available in several alternate versions, with up to 10 tracks per song. Each song AND version in MusicBOX Collection 1 also comes with custom edited standard length broadcast cuts of 1:00, :30, :15 and :10 so you can quickly grab the length you need. To top it off, most of the songs contain some kind of vocal element, which you have the option to include or keep silent. With all of this, your options to customize and make each song fit your production are nearly infinite.

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  Member 8.02.2014 1 159
  Resident 4.12.2013 95
i wouldnt touch this behemoth of pre-fab call center music in a long thousand years...with that said great job from the uploader(must have taken a while)
All your base are belong to us.
  Resident 27.05.2013 673 2624

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