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Samples » Kontakt
SRM Sounds Max Richter Piano KONTAKT screenshot
KONTAKT - 91,03 GB
The centrepiece of the main live room at Max Richter’s spectacular countryside studio, Studio Richter Mahr, is the coveted Steinway Model D Spirio | r grand piano. Used by Max to compose, rehearse and perform his latest works, this special instrument and its delicate nature underpins his sound and ethos, completely.

Recorded in great detail with a range of modern and vintage mics, and focusing on the softer dynamics, this is an accurately sampled, precision virtual instrument, capable of performing the level of detail required to access the level of emotion and atmosphere typical in Max’s work.

Key Features
- 2 instruments total ~98GB
- 3 microphone positions per instrument
- 5 Round Robins
- 10 dynamic layers (ppp to mp)
- Short and long reverb controls
- Action, dampers & pedal volume control
- Velocity sensitivity control
- NKS compatible

SRM Sounds Max Richter Piano KONTAKT screenshot

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.8.0 and higher!

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  Resident 25.01.2014 2668
Thank you Talula, and hope you are well.

And damn, you are keeping seagate and samsung in business....
..grateful for HEXWARS, R2R, SYNTHiC4TE, CASHMERE, HCiSO, GUSEPPE & ALL teams, AZ crew past and present, and friends I have met here . RIP and LOVE to Olymoon and his family.
  Member 31.07.2024 42
This plugin is like half of a Call of duty!
  Member 19.08.2024 5 150
you're right lol
  Resident 13.08.2020 5 195
It's because they've packed the samples as 24bit WAV files. I've extracted them, converted them to 16bit NCWs and the size is down to 15gb.

Clearly going with the 'bigger means better' marketing philosophy
  Member 4.05.2016 3
quote by DonaldTwainIt's because they've packed the samples as 24bit WAV files. I've extracted them, converted them to 16bit NCWs and the size is down to 15gb.

Clearly going with the 'bigger means better' marketing philosophy

Can you give a link to a tutorial on how to do so?
  Resident 13.08.2020 5 195
  Member 25.03.2021 55
best comment! take that game devs!
  Member 19.08.2024 5 150
holyyy shit 91 gb damn Talula
  Member 3.09.2016 3 38
After checking the demos, I guess I need a new hard drive asap!
  Resident 25.01.2024 8 196
Exactly my thoughts!
  Member 19.05.2014 2 212
OMG my ssds ...xDD
thank you
  Member 26.08.2015 240
Hmmm... I already have at least 10 piano libraries and I'm not sure if I need yet another one, especially at 91Gb. Decisions, decisions...
  Member 21.09.2023 2 711
pssssh amateur! come back when you have minimum 20 libraries!! we're seasoned collectors round here!

no but seriously. im with you. 90 gigs is no small library lol. Although... it does sound pretty good. guess ill have to download and find out.
  Member 26.08.2015 240
I gave it a try but after 5 minutes of using it I deleted it without hesitation.
  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2350
The Christmas Truck is rolling. 🎄⛄️❄️🎁

Damn what a wonderful surprise!! ❤️

98 GB?! 😳

Can't say "no" to Max Richter though, haha! 😅
  Member 2.03.2013 63
In the video there is a Yamaha grand Max playing, but the site says Steinway Model D Spirio. Strange...
  Releaser 22.10.2007 2299 1462
coveted Steinway Model D Spirio | r grand piano

in main live room at studio.
but Yamaha in the video (3:35) is not main live room.
ViP Team - true legends stays in history!
  Resident 17.06.2019 99 351
I love his music, i can only love his « piano »!
I can only advise you to go and listen to him, his music is very abundant, you will necessarily find something that touches you …
Thank you very much Talula ! 👏👏👏✨🤩✨👍👍🤙
"Thought is never free because it is based on knowledge, and knowledge is always limited."
Krishnamurti, The Network of Thought
  Member 21.10.2014 162
This is an amazing instrument, thanks!
  Member 4.05.2016 3
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2350
Waiting for the Hania Rani Piano now after this one and the Olafur Arnalds Pianos, hahaha.
  Resident 13.08.2020 5 195
If anyone's interested there is a bonus instrument for this/based on this called Dark Mode on SRM's website which is available for free.
  Member 8.09.2013 41
I must say that I am a bit spoiled. Thanks also to Audioz and Talula, I have a nice variety of piano libraries including Pianoteq (which I love). Also, Max Richter has a piano sound that I have always liked. Maybe it's not my day, but I found this library quite disappointing. There are few dynamics and it cannot be precisely adapted to the keyboard, as there is insufficient control. I also found the timbre different from how it sounds in the video and quite ‘flat’. For 91 GB of library I don't think this is much of an achievement.
What do you say is it just me having a bad day or is the library as I describe it?
  Resident 13.08.2020 5 195
I think you're having a bad day. This piano is deliberately only the softer dynamics as it's meant to be used for the sort of work Max himself writes. Not sure what you mean about adapted to keyboard - there are 10 velocities and it responds well for me. A case of your mileage may vary perhaps or play around with the mics and reverbs?
  Member 15.10.2017 76
Hi DonaldTwain, could you share your minified version please?
(tuto seems very complicated for a mac user like me)
  Resident 2.03.2019 6 544
Will say many thanks but passing on this one.

There's just too many of these things around and none of them especially stand out in any way other than download size.
  Member 14.12.2024 2
PM box is full... would it be possible to share the hashes for these files (ie HashMyFiles, or similar), this would help to identify which files might have errors, when unpacking one big file ends in an error message.
  Member 22.01.2014 14
After one minute playing I get a short loud withe noise. W11,K7,BobD.
  Resident 18.08.2020 465
I can't help wondering how big this library would be if they'd included the velocities above 50%
Are they coming in v1.1?
Is it just me or is it really frustrating when hitting the keys harder to be met with a soft airy note?
It's like trying to shout in a padded cell (I imagine)
I understand it's meant to be super-soft and the focus is on the super-quiet and delicate but come on, we like to build, we need dynamics, that's what pianos are meant to be.
It does sound sweet though there are occasional notes that seem different to the others.
This doesn't happen in the 'closed' library which is a different sample set and actually sounds better to my ears, likely due to the consistency which is lacking in the 'open' library.
The whole thing sounds like there's a blanket over it in BOTH libraries though.
I was about to delete it as I refuse to give it that much HD space to a half-arsed piano till I saw the comment above that suggested it can be reduced to 15GB
I''ve just downloaded the instructions on how to do that and if I can manage it that's what i'll do and then I can keep it and show it some love.
Devs take notice, this is how we roll. 95 GB down to 15GB
If we can do it you should too.

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