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Samples, sound effects, loops, presets, patches, impulses, MIDI, SF, Akai
Sample Magic Beat Alchemy MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 10 September 2023 | 457 MB
From celestial sound design and hazy hooks to cosmogonic synthetics low slung lo-fi - Beat Alchemy offers grab bag selection of astral atmospheres, dusty sleazy beats, left-field leaning and singular sound design covering the very best of the timeless production techniques behind the underground beat scene. Beat Alchemy offers an assortment of loops, one-shots, Astra presets and Beatmaker kits drawing influences from various styles such as the low end theory scene, left-field bass, alternative hip-hop and electronica.

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  Member 28.08.2023 36
Snagged before the takedown. Thank you. 🫶
  Member 4.12.2015 210
would you email it to me?

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