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Samples, presets, patches, impulses
Melodiefabriek Scandi Noir Reason + Pack screenshot
Melodiefabriek | Rar 5.54 Mb | Unrar 6.08 Mb
Drawing inspiration from Scandinavian crime series, this selection of sounds has a haunted feeling to them.

** This pack can be used in reason's rack and daw also there's wav files to be used in other daws.So these are not only for reason + Companion and there not refills just folders**

To install just make a folder anywhere once you open reason or reason rack on the left under the factory presets you can search and drag the folder you made with these packs and use them i use reason suite 11 and the rack in studio one.But aslong as you have the add-ons they will work.Some work with what reason comes with no add-ons.Then theres wav files and loops also.

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  Member 19.09.2014 1 358
thank you, and thnx for the zippy links
Greetz have a nice day.

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