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Multichannel DirectShow ASIO Renderer

Highest quality audio output with lowest latencies for Directshow compatible software
During a project in our school, I developed a multichannel ASIO-DirectShow filter. This filter provides ASIO multichannel output for any DirectShow source in Windows.
The filter can be used with almost any Windows media player that supports user-defined output filters (e.g. Media Player Classic, The Core Media Player, Zoom Player, RadLight, WinAmp, etc.).

Supported features:

Dynamic ASIO-Driver Selection
Supports up to 24 output channels
Waveformat conversion and detection
Mono, Stereo, Surround modes 4.0,4.1,,6.0,6.1,7.0,7.1
Sample rates up to 192kHz
Encoding PCM 16,24,32-Bits and PCM Float
FFT-Spectrum Analyzer
Output sample rate selection
Output volume control for master and separate output channels
N:N channel mapping (i.e. connect each input channel to arbitrary number of output channels)
Virtual speaker room (i.e. graphical interface to control volume of each speaker, using 2D-position of user within a virtual room)
Spatial FFT mapping feature that moves virtual user, and therefore sound based on frequency spectrum
In order to use the Multichannel ASIO Renderer Filter, just download and install the software. Prerequisite is .NET 4.5

The renderer can be downloaded from the following website:
download from any file hoster with just one LinkSnappy account
download from more than 100 file hosters at once with LinkSnappy.

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