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REQ: Born To Produce Psytrance Tutorial Any DAW Start To Finish screenshot

Psytrance Tutorial - Any DAW - Start To Finish

Take the next step on your journey and learn genre specific music production skills. Make a professional, high energy Psytrance track from start to finish, and take the skills you learn with you into your future projects.

Watch the course overview for a more in-depth look at what you'll get out of the course, and listen to the track you will make

24 Lessons - 5 hours

Why learn from Born To Produce?
We have been refining the start to finish music production tutorial for over 8 years, and sourcing the best producers from around the world. In this tutorial you will be taught by Demis Hellen, who is an expert in Trance music production. His knowledge, teaching style, and production level are on another level. You're going to learn some amazing skills in this tutorial.

Our tutorials take months of planning and execution. Everything you are taught has the sole purpose of giving you the best learning experience and the greatest transfer of knowledge possible. Simple, powerful & fun.

What are you going to get out of it?

Greater Experience

Perhaps you have successfully completed one of our beginner tutorials, or you are looking for new challenges, and new ways to inspire your music. As long as you know your way around your chosen DAW, you will be able to soak up all the ideas and music production experience given in this course.

A Higher Level Of Music Production Skills

These any DAW 'start to finish' tutorials are full of more advanced music production techniques, that will help you discover new producer skills. This unique style of teaching means you learn music production in a linear fashion, just like it works in real life. As you are learning every step of the song creation process, it naturally gives you the ability to finish more tracks.

Fresh Inspiration

In this course you'll gain many inspiring ways to help you make your own music, including the steps required to get you there. Everyt
Course Structure

Module 1 - Kick & Bass Design & Processing

After a short introduction from your tutor Demis, you'll learn how to finely tune the foundation of your track, the massively important low end energy. The kick and bass are essential to get right in electronic music as they can often fight against each other and cause problems, so to help with this. Demis shows you how to analyze and change the phase of the fundamental frequencies so these important elements work together in unison. You'll also learn how to duck certain frequencies to 'make way' for the kick. After learning to split the bass into different layers for more control, you'll then add percussion with guidance from Demis. Trust us when we say if you dont get your low end energy right, you might aswell forget the rest of the production.

Module 2 - The Psytrance Sound

In the 2nd module, you'll learn what type of sounds are typical to Psytrance, and how to create and add these sounds (including FX). Using free plugins such as Vital synth, you'll get to grips with choppy / gated sounds, glitches, arpeggios, acid FX, and learn how to sculpt them to make them fit seamlessly into your track using EQ, reverb, delay and compression. These sounds are also essential in providing the atmosphere, which is paramount in this genre. Learn from Demis's meticulous mixing techniques on how to get these FX sounding their full potential.

Module 3 - Arrangement / Structure

A lot of beginner producers do not appreciate the importance of good song structure. This can literally make or break your track. The idea is to take the listener on a journey, and essentially keep them engaged for the duration by using different sections in your track. In this module, you'll build sections that lower & raise the tension, so that all the hands are in the air at the right times, but also the suspense is there to build tension. A song should have a distinct push / pull effect or it just won't stand out enough over all the other tracks out there and it won't be interesting enough for the listener. You'll finish off the arrangement later in this series.

Module 4 - Create Your Own Vocals FX

This is the fun module. Using the free synth Vital again, Demis shows you how you can create your own Pystrance style vocals with the 'text to wavetable' feature. These sounds can be manipulated by using the pre-made macros that Demis has already programmed into the presets for you. This will enable you to make them sit well within the mix. This is a really creative technique you can use in many tracks in many different genres.

Module 5 - Breakdowns, Buildups & Automation

In the 5th module, you'll learn how to program a typical breakdown and build up section which is essential for the tension and release of Psytrance music. You'll make these sections come to life with automation, so sounds are constantly evolving and changing. This all helps keep the listener engaged throughout the track.

You'll also learn tricks to make the main sections seem bigger and fatter. Filtering out the lows, filtering the drums, decreasing the volume slowly just before etc etc, and lots of automation to get everything sitting in the mix in its own space. Learning how to get maximum energy in the main sections is key and Demis is on hand to teach you his tips and experience.

Module 6 - Mixing & Mastering

In the final module, you'll learn essential mixing and mastering skills which you can apply in your own productions.

Demis has a very keen eye for detail and watching him mix the track 'over his shoulder', you'll see just how meticulous you need to be, and the steps you need to replicate to get pro mixes yourself. He'll also show you his cheat mode of mixing everything to pink noise. But... don't worry, although it may seem overwhelming at first, once you have learnt from Demis, you'll be well on your way in your own Psytrance productions.

The production knowledge that Demis delivers here cannot be understated in this start to finish tutorial. You will be blown away.

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