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REQ: Virtual DJ 2023 Pro Infinity for PC screenshot
VirtualDJ 2023 uses advanced technology and the power of modern computers to revolutionize what DJs can do. With this new version, you can mix in real-time the various components of your tracks (vocals, instruments, kicks, hi-hats, etc). This opens the door to new ways of mixing that were simply not possible before, and will forever change the way DJs mix.

With real-time stem separation on any track, perfect live mashups and seamless transitions are now the new normal:

ModernEQs can achieve a much more accurate separation than traditional frequency-based equalizers, and help achieve perfect transitions like never before.

The new Stem pads will let you create live mash-ups and remixes in real-time easily. Let your creativity fly free.

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  Member 28.05.2018 7
+1 for this
  Member 18.05.2022 1 10
Is there a way to know if it'll be released?
  Member 22.12.2022 10
Its allready out and offered as an update,yet no patches !
  Member 18.05.2022 1 10
Oh thank you for the reply, when you say it's out, you mean here or on the VirtualDJ site?
  Member 22.12.2022 10
No,by the company (Atomix) have not seen any 2023 version in here yet.
  Member 28.01.2021 23
INFO Only:

Virtual DJ 2023 Build 7482 save the config folder in the path:


they changed to the default path that was in My Documents

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