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Well, as the voting says, UL.to works best for both US and non-US users, which is awesome because for a moment i thought we'd have to choose two different file sharing services to satisfy everybody.

I agree with the choise you've made, although i still like NetLoad more, although i only use all of them through Debrids

the Rule
From now on, every post must contain at least one (or only) mirror to Uploaded.to
If you (as an uploader) ever have problems with UL.to, you may replace UL links with mirrors to MEGA or MediaFire.

These three are now the priority; Contributors must always keep their UL.to links (or Mega, or MF) alive!


  guest -- 0
Thanks a lot. Ul.to is my choice too.
  Resident 22.01.2009 28 238
Wonderful to see RapidShare back in the top 3 choices. Thanks SAiNT!
  Resident 22.07.2011 1444
Saint: that's sad... hold on man, hold on...

Man, no need to worry here! Easy does it. Besides, I'm protected. Just read "The SIX STRIKE PLAN" that I've just uploaded in AudioSex. Cheers! rofl
I got peace not of this world!
  Resident 17.03.2012 1 346
So what the hell are these for: -


... at the foot of every post ??

  Resident 6.06.2009 1 97
Thanks a lot SAiNT! Loving it!
  Banned 13.05.2011 794 3872
I'm not very excited about "Uploaded.com"! damn
Why? The download speed from here is slow (40-60kbs) + they make you wait 1 hour between each download. But i know it's just another Utopia to find a good-for-all service!! sad

  guest -- 0
ul.com is very slow.

mediafire is the best of all the filehosts (for free users). I guess they also pay the least though, since so few of the money-grubbers use them.
  Resident 3.11.2010 3 159
With the experience of latest Plugin Alliance releases by R2R (who are a new phantastic team btw.!!!), I will have to modify my preference. Every single link to Uploaded.to was invalid shortly after upload, while Rapidgator.net links remained valid until now! wink
Sorry to see that the rule given by SAiNT "Contributors must always keep their UL.to links (or RS, or MF) alive!" apparently is not obeyed. damn
So, if there would be a poll for prime hoster NOW, I would vote for Rapidgator.net! headbang
Support the abolition of account signatures!​
  Resident 1.07.2012 100
Which Jdownloader to use ?


jdownloader.org is the official site. To me, it seems like jdownloader.com adds nothing that you want. They even link to the source files at jdownloader.org.

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