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a Big Special Thank You R2R screenshot
Hello People,
I would Like to take a minute and throw out A BIG SPECIALTHANK YOU to the people from R2R, for making this a month to remember and let you know that we are VERRY THANKFUL.
I won't lie if i say that R2R has helped lots of us in our creative process more than anyone else could, by giving us the opportunity to work with these awesome softwares/plug-ins!

A lot of you guys&girls showed they're love already, but I would like to give everybody the opportunity to do it in this dedicated post.

Enjoy the holiday's everybody!


Not to be forgotten:
The Admin
The Moderator
The Cleaner
The Releasers
The Contributors
The Suppliers

And everyone that make al these great releases possible
Much love for all you guys and girls.

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guys, your comments are amazing! i'm so proud to have such great members!!!. SAiNT


  Resident 24.08.2012 74
Thanks for the bits , R2R ,Hex, N the contributors.Much appreciated.
  Resident 6.05.2014 11 68
Great initiative, NVTTH!

A huge thank you to R2R for all your hard work. Also a big thank you to SAiNT and the entire AudioZ crew.
  Member 9.09.2015 2
Thank you so much!!!!
  Supplier 6.11.2012 52
thank you x1000. seriously.
  Member 20.06.2015 1
No words in any spoken languange could express the gratitude we feel for all those great releases so THANK YOUUUU R2R for all your hard work.
...and the earth becomes my throne...
  Member 8.06.2014 14
  Resident 15.06.2009 147
Thanks to R2R and everyone involved!
  Resident 30.08.2012 148
We are not worthy!!!
May the Force be with YOU, always
  Resident 20.07.2013 20
Hi, i want to give my thanks to R2R too !!!, and everybody else from the Audioz team... you guys have made me really happy & inspired with the opportunities to test some great audio software over time.... Again Thanks
  Resident 10.04.2012 2 22
R2R is the best!
  Resident 24.02.2014 190
Amen. As I said somewhere else, I had fallen into the depths of despair, watching squabbles, fights and wars I had no part of and hardly understood. And my feelings of helplessness as I watched everything slipping away was like watching a family member die. I DO know that WE depend on R2R (and affiliates), and that they do not have to share their work with anyone.
Their motives are pride of accomplishment, brother-and-sisterhood, and other things I don't understand. But in sharing their work, they can show, like an artist does with an exhibition, the mastery of their medium.But when everyone becomes a hostile critic, or critiques any small error in symmetry or form, most artists have the tendency to shut down. This never a good thing, because artists need people to appreciate their work, and we need great works of art to wonder over.R2R, Assign, AiR, and so many over the decades, have honed their artistic skills to incredible levels - and it is OUR responsibility to both appreciate and encourage them - and to supply them with materials, when and if we can. UNDERSTAND: artists do not respond well - at all - to brutal criticism or demands for more, sooner, faster, better, more, more, more... Would YOU?
For those who engage in these criticisms and demands, think long and hard before you post. Treat these people as the artists, on the cutting edge, that they are. Have patience - do not demand, beg, and plead.
Patience and respect seem to have become lost qualities: learn them, and remember them, or you will destroy the scene you have come to take for granted will always be there.
It won't be, and many, many groups who are enshrined in the halls of the gone-but-not-forgotten Valhalla of Elite Groups, are enshrined to prove it.
Few remember, and many demand; gratitude is a simple thing to offer, and understanding that all of these groups are operating in the shadows, under risk, and - unless they are abused - willing, is spite of all of this, to share their works through P2P technology.
I bow to no one - NO ONE - but in this decision to give your appreciators another chance to do things right, I bend a knee, bow my head, and humbly say "Thank You, R2r, and your affiliates."
And to everyone helping to distribute these releases (too many to list) I remain kneeling to salute you, before I disappear back into the long hall of decades lingering on the sidelines. Respect, and gratitude, are like life's-blood: nothing survives without them. I love you all, as brothers and sisters (and most, actually, as sons and daughters, and even grandchildren).
Every time I have given up on this complex, interwoven family called the Scene - like a Phoenix, it has risen again
So thank you all. Sorry this was so long, but some things take time to make clear.
Just one in 7 billion. Here and gone.
  Resident 25.07.2014 21
Much love R2R thanks for everything. You guys have helped me so much. Happy Holidays to you all and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
  Resident 18.08.2014 114
I cant show my love only with a slap on the thanx button!
But im very obliged!!

Thank you so much !!
  Resident 22.01.2014 237
R2R! 4! 3V3R!

  Resident 27.01.2015 114
Thank you R2R! The ones who are appreciative are in the majority here.
  Resident 5.12.2014 87
Thanks everyone past and present who has made this all possible, my appreciation knows no limits. May love and peace dominate everyones lives during this Holiday Season, and guide you always on your journey through the rest of your years!
Three can keep a secret if two are dead!!
  Resident 12.08.2015 1 47
I rarely post but THANK YOU R2R! Giving artists like me an opportunity to not only use these plugins but also learn from them and further advance my technical knowledge of software. You Guys are my heroes
  Resident 1.03.2013 124
Thank you Thank you a million times over.. wonderful selfless acts of kindness I will always be so grateful for . Thank you R2R
  guest -- 0
Big thanks R2R
May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face
  Administrator 1.01.2004 301 1142
from the Blow. love that movie
  Resident 10.10.2013 2 130
Thank you so much, too!
  Member 28.11.2015 3
quote by gammaR2R 4 3V3R
  Member 6.03.2015 -1 87
Best wishes to R2R! You mean a lot to me. Your hard work is always appreciated.

How can we also make them happy? Gifts should be returned.
  Member 16.01.2014 7
En realidad son los mejores. Sigan adelante muchachos y gracias por todos sus aportes.
  Resident 26.08.2013 920
A big thanks to all for making everything happen here !
  Resident 25.09.2010 349
Thank you, R2R. You make all of your fans very happy, while also allowing many people all over the world, with very little money, to work in the most professional way possible, and to test the software before making a financial mistake.
  Resident 20.06.2014 3 530
Thank U R2R for our happy youth
  Resident 10.02.2012 565
I have been here awhile now and I have to say that we owe alot to the teams here.

R2R for life.

Many thanks to you all.
  Resident 12.04.2012 6 563
R2R make the music dreams come true!

Remixer, Producer, DJ and music lover.
Thanks for this beautiful community!
  Resident 26.04.2015 1 494
the Comment has been Removed

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