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Education » Video Tutorials
SINEE Online Masterclass w Robert Babicz TUTORiAL GERMAN-ARCADiA screenshot
Robert Babicz ist seit den frühen 90er-Jahren Teil der elektronischen Musikwelt und veröffentlichte seine Tracks unter diversen Pseudonymen wie Department Of Dance, Dicabor, Sontec oder Twirl. Durch seine Releases unter dem Namen Rob Acid oder Acid Warrior machte er sich außerdem einen großen Namen in der Acid-Techno-Szene. Wir haben Robert Babicz in seinem Studio besucht um eine Online Masterclass umzusetzen und konnten dabei wertvolle Einblicke in seine Philosophie des Musikmachens festhalten. Erlebe den Künstler nun selbst bei der Arbeit und lass dich von seinem Workflow, seiner Art Ideen in Sound zu verwandeln, aber auch von seiner Herangehensweise beim Mastering inspirieren.

Masterclass schwerpunkte

Gesamtprozesse einer Musikproduktion
Ideenfindung und kreative Techniken
Sounddesign & Beatprogramming
Mixdown & Mastering

Inhalt & Details

On Demand Videos
5,5 Stunden Laufzeit
Lebenslanger Zugriff & Audio Files aus der Produktion
Geeignet für jede DAW

don't ask for english subtitles, not available.

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  Resident 20.06.2014 3 529
His FAderPro tutorial was one of the best I ever saw

  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3013
no english :( sad
  Member 19.01.2023 6
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3013
hoping someone can share the "hard work", can't never get bored watching Robert doing his stuff.

I checked the site, I saw "video editing" and gave up. Not my forte. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
  Resident 20.06.2014 3 529
If You going to do this, please share subtitles files
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
  Member 19.01.2023 6
I hope it helps although it contains many grammatical and word errors because it was done by AI.

A better suggestion: Upload the video on YouTube as private, Change the video language to German, Add the original German subtitles, When watching, use the YT translation (when we add subtitles, the translator works very well).

I apologize for the inevitable errors in the subtitles and if I made any mistakes in this post… Enjoy what you can!

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  Member 1.04.2019 14
You are my hero, thank you!
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3013
thanks man, I appreciate it!
  Member 26.03.2022 1 40
no english =(
  Resident 6.03.2018 1 833
Thanking, even though I'm not downloading.
  Resident 3.10.2008 69
I am able to understand a few languages but german is not one of those, seems like an awesome tutorial
  Member 30.05.2020 262
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 4.10.2013 11 709
I don't get t why some content creators insist in using english words if the content is not in english and they even get mad if you ask for english subtitles.

dont use english to attract people if you are not gonna offer it in english too.
fashion is temporal / style is forever
  Member 12.03.2019 1 78
can anyone please reup Rapigator?
Links are all down.
  Member 19.06.2023 2
I couldn't download it, the links are down :(
  Member 13.11.2023 3
all links are down :(
  Member 15.06.2014 41
Re-up would be amazing

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