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Education » Video Tutorials
Udemy Music Fundamentals For Beginners TUTORiAL screenshot
P2P | 14 June 2022 | 1.63 GB
If you are interested in reading music and learning music theory but don't know where to start, this is the perfect course for you!By the end of this course, you’ll know how to write melody and chords in standard musical notation.

.You'll know how to use:StavesClefsLedger LinesNotes NamesSharps, flats, naturals, double-sharps and double-flatsTones and semitonesEnharmonic note namesStandard scale patterns such as the Chromatic, Whole Tone and Major scales.If you don’t know what any of these are, don't worry! I'll lead you step-by-step through each of the subjects.Clear, step-by-step explanationsPractice sessions where you write musicLittle quizzes to reinforce your learningThis course focuses exclusively on the components of melody, harmony and chords.

Check out my other courses which focus exclusively on rhythm!This course is great for:Piano and Guitar players who want to learn to read musicPeople wanting to learn an instrument but haven't started yetSongwriters who want to get their ideas down on paper.If you want to learn an instrument, this will jump-start your learning and let you get a head start. Or if you're a seasoned player of piano or guitar, this course will answer some of the questions you may have about written music and music theory.This course will open the door to your learning music theory, sight-reading and composing. Most importantly, it will help you play more of the music you love.To help you internalize all this information, I set you easy exercises to complete. If you hate homework or are unable to do the exercises, however, don't worry! I have filmed myself doing the homework for you so you can still experience the learning and revision.

What you'll learn

•Read and write pitch (melody and chords) using standard musical notation
•Read and write notes in treble and bass clef
•Name and write all musical notes on staves and ledger lines
•Use sharps and flats to change the pitch of a note
•Work out scale patterns including chromatic, whole tone and major scales
•Nothing about rhythm: see my other courses where I do a deep dive on rhythm

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