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Education » Video Tutorials
Udemy Guitar Lessons Sweep Picking Arpeggio Essentials TUTORiAL screenshot
P2P Feb 19 2016 | 1.88 GB
Warn your neighbours…it's a shred frenzy!

Sweep picking arpeggios are a very effective way to play super fast, fluid, melodic arpeggios and melodies all over the neck. In this exciting series, Top UK session guitarist, Bobby Harrison gives you an in-depth course on the technique.

You will start by learning some of the more bluesy applications of sweep picking, before going on to cover major, minor and diminished sweeps across three strings, then huge, five-string sweep arpeggios. You can follow chord progressions using these shapes, adding an extra dimension to your lead playing.

Bobby also shows you how to harmonise fast sweeps in a two guitar band or when layering guitar parts in the studio as well as showing you how to further extend your harmonic palette, using bigger major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th and minor 7 flat 5 sweep arpeggios.

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  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17038
  Member 27.03.2016 1 30
the Comment has been Removed
  Member 5.01.2017 28
Links are broken, could you please post new ones? Thanks ;)
  Member 4.04.2018 108
sadly it looks like i missed out on this one... all the links are dead
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
I've asked for reup, please wait 48 hours.
  Member 4.04.2018 108
thanks to Sunny for the new links!!

  Member 4.04.2018 108
the Comment has been Removed

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