Groove3 Pro Tools AudioSuite Explained TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 19 July 2024 | 147 MB
Join Pro Tools guru Eli Krantzberg for a deep dive into Pro Tools' powerful off-line processing feature, AudioSuite, and learn all you need to know about using it immediately in your next production. Whether you just want to know how to render an effect to free up some CPU power or learn all the ins and outs of everything that AudioSuite has to offer, you'll find it here. By the end of the AudioSuite course, you'll be ready to confidently start using it right away. These AudioSuite videos are designed for new AudioSuite users.
To start, Eli explains a bit about what AudioSuite is all about and what it can do, so you'll have your bearings as we proceed. You'll also see how to organize the plug-in menu in AudioSuite so they appear the way you'd prefer. Then see how the header controls affect the processing of selections when using AudioSuite plug-ins.
Next, Eli covers the footer controls, which manage the application of processing beyond the edit window selections. Eli then showcases various rendering options and their respective outcomes when applied outside the clip boundaries and explores various methods for manipulating effects that utilize tails, such as reverbs and delays.
Other topics include the Process modes (analysis of threshold-dependent material), processing multiple occurrences of the same clip (at different places in the song, for example), using multiple AudioSuite plug-ins (setting up templates for your most-used processing chains, etc.), snare drum tuning (pitch-shifting on a snare drum), multiple de-essing outcomes (combining use of playlists with AudioSuite processing), creating a reverse cymbal swell (using the "snap clip to cursor end" feature), tweaking sections of a stereo mix (AudioSuite as a creative or corrective tool), batch processing tips (from the Clip list or Edit list), and more!
There's much more to AudioSuite than simply rendering an effect to a track; with this AudioSuite course, you'll quickly learn that and much more! Whether you're looking for ways to improve your workflow or get some creative use out of AudioSuite, this is the course to check out. See the individual AudioSuite video tutorial descriptions for more information and ideas on how you can apply these ideas to your own productions. Learn all the benefits of this handy plug-in... Watch "Pro Tools AudioSuite Explained®" now!
What You Will Learn:
-Organizing the plug-in menu within AudioSuite to suit your preference
-Using the header and footer controls to deal with how processing is applied inside and outside of the edit window selections
-Dealing with time-based effects that feature tails
-Processing the same clip multiple times to occur at different points within the track
-And much more!