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Education, Video Tutorials
Groove3 SpectraLayers Explained TUTORiAL screenshot
HiDERA | 21 October 2023 | 738 MB
If you've messed around with Steinberg's SpectraLayers at all, you've likely been extremely impressed with its incredible capabilities. In this SpectraLayers video course, production expert Gary Hiebner takes you on a deep dive into SpectraLayers, shedding light on its seemingly innumerous audio editing functions and features and providing helpful demonstrations and explanations throughout. Whether it's simple noise reduction or something more specific and detailed, like ambience matching, it's all covered in this SpectraLayers video course! These videos are for new SpectraLayers users.

Gary starts off by providing an overview of the subject of spectral editing and a quick run-down of everything that will be covered in this course. (Hint: It's a lot!) He then illustrates the differences between using SpectraLayers in standalone mode vs within a DAW (via the ARA protocol or as an external editor). This is followed by an explanation of how to set up the inputs and outputs on your audio interface, how to create a new project, and how to navigate the user interface.

Next up, Gary shows how to open a file (mono or stereo) and defines the different ways you can display the files, such as waveform or frequency view, along with the various parameters for each. You'll then explore the subject of audio layers and see how to open multiple files with various methods.

And there's so much more to come, including saving/exporting audio, selection tools (horizontal or vertical areas, transient-specific, etc.), erasing and amplifying (using the brush tools), unmixing (taking a fully-mixed stereo track and separating it into individual instruments or parts), audio clipping repair (rebuilding damaged waveforms, etc.), noise reduction, reverb reduction, reverb matching, EQ matching, ambience matching, and much more! It's truly amazing how deep this audio suite is!

If you're ready to take full advantage of all the editing power under the hood of SpectraLayers, this is the only SpectraLayers video course for you. When it's over, you'll have full command of more audio tools than you can shake a stick at, and you'll be ready to begin implementing any of them on your very next track, regardless of style or genre. Check out the individual SpectraLayers video tutorial descriptions for more information and ideas on how you can make use of this amazing tool. It's truly audio editing without limits... Watch "SpectraLayers Explained®" now!

What You Will Learn:

-Background of spectral editing and unique capabilities of SpectraLayers

-File creation, management, display options, and saving/exporting procedures

-How to use UnMix to separate a standard pre-mixed stereo file into individual elements (such as separating a full band mix into individual instruments or even separating a full drum track into individual kit components like snare, kick, cymbals, etc.)

-How to match various elements such as reverb, ambience, and EQ in one audio file to another

-And so much more!

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  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3014
been using Spectralayers by heart for quite a long time. Awesome to finally be able to learn it properly.
  Resident 4.10.2013 11 709
same here,
even when there is the version 11 out, this will help I guess.
fashion is temporal / style is forever

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