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reFX Nexus 5 Retro Skin Cold Steel screenshot
reFX Nexus 5 Retro Skin | 1.31 MB
Here's a Nexus retro skin I made, I wanted it to look like a solid metal hardware synth with nice shiny metal knobs. I hope it's of use & enjoyable to people.

The custom skin option is greyed out for me so I just renamed it retro after backing up the official retro skin & it works fine.

I'm a professional graphic designer so feel free to PM me for any graphic design work you need & watch out for a couple more + maybe a load of Serum skins I never got round to posting on here.

Posted free & exclusively to Audioz members, enjoy!

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  Resident 28.05.2020 44 134
  Member 3.12.2024 1 48
I absolutely love this one! Did you use Element 3D or Cinema4d, Blender for any of this? Gorgeous.
Don't waste your time on people that waste your time.
  Member 27.01.2022 3 186
I didn't use any 3D software actually, it's all about light, shade & illusion lol. Really glad you like it mate
  Member 9.01.2021 55
This is the first N5 skin I saw that doesn't use default (factory) knobs that is cool but unfortunately when I turn any knob left or right it moves around too!!, I think it should be graphically fixed, Despite this bug I like your work too much because it is really redesigned skin not just copy& paste or changing overall color/texture.
  Member 27.01.2022 3 186
Hi bbextreme, thanks for pointing that out, I didn't notice the glitch but I've fixed it & sent you a link to the fixed skin. If anybody else wants the fixed version just PM me for a link
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2761

Please post your new custom skins here:

  Member 21.04.2023 12
I'm going absolutely bonkers. I'm sure it's right in front of me, and I'm going to feel stupid for asking, but WHERE is the new Skin Browser on the retro page?
I see from release notes that it's been there since 5.1.8 (I'm on 5.1.9) and I even see the bunch that they included in the /Skins/N5 Retro folder.

Heck, I've even successfully loaded most all of the 3rd party presets posted up here with no hassles... so I'm embarrassed that this thing is STUMPING ME!

I've looked in the main preset/expansions window, I've looked in the little 3-dot contextual menu at the top, I've looked on the SYS page, and I've even looked behind the "rack" by clicking any logo... no dice.

All these skins look beautiful - this one especially.. help me be one of the cool kids??

  Member 27.01.2022 3 186
Top right of the plug, you'll see N5 in a circle, the 5 is orange, click it & a list appears, under the heading INTERFACE you'll see 'skin browser'. Good luck & glad you like my skin
  Member 15.10.2017 1430
And it seems that "Skin Browser..." will be greyed-out unless you have at least 2 skins in there.
SymlinkTool: LSE - Firewall Control: WFC
  Member 15.10.2017 1430
Beautiful. I sent link for fixed version... any way the fixed version could replace the link here?
SymlinkTool: LSE - Firewall Control: WFC
  Member 27.01.2022 3 186
Sorry Taken but changing links is done by admin here, not uploaders & they've moved these Nexus skins to the sister site.
  Member 14.02.2022 80
Yeah, this is nice. Some of the skins uploaded here are way too busy. Hurts my eyes. This one is easy on the eyes. Thanks.
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