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Windows, Mac OSX
reFX Nexus 5 Skin Blue Snake screenshot
Nexus 5 Skin | 2.50 MB
Retro Skin for reFX Nexus 5

Thought I give it a shot and create one

Place the .Zip file inside (default) folder:
/Library/Audio/Presets/reFX/NEXUS library/Skins/N5 Retro/

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  Member 16.09.2021 1 229
this one is really cool, for some reason this makes think how cool a Red Nord Lead themed skin would be… might give it a try and make it myself
  Member 3.12.2024 1 48
Love this design!
Don't waste your time on people that waste your time.
  Resident 6.10.2011 1 619
Nice. You gave it a shot and hit the bull's eye.
Thank you
  Resident 26.01.2018 254
Very cool
  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2781

Please post your new custom skins here:


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