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Skin for Xfer Records SERUM (ericBEE) screenshot
Skin for Xfer Records SERUM | 12.05 MB
Blue Skin for Xfer Records SERUM (ericBEE)

just want to share this Blue Skin I did for SERUM

-place the unzipped folder here:
/Library/Audio/Presets/Xfer Records/Serum Presets/Skins/

-in Instrument on top left side with right click on „SERUM“

-and choose under SKIN „ericBEE BLUE“
to make it as „default“ , go down in Skins and set as default

I hope you enjoy

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  Member 4.12.2020 1 83
Nice looking skin

Thank you and all the best for 2025.
You can't see the eyes of the demon, until him come calling........(King Willie)

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