The Usual Suspects Xenia (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.4.1 WiN Mac Linux + ROM's [FREE]
FREE | Win Mac Linux VST2 VST3 AU LV2 CLAP | 135/273/273 MB
The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Xenia, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf Microwave XT.
Included in the Package:
- All Plugin versions per OS
- User Manual
- a few Factory Banks Sets from Waldorf.
- [Imp] Allow to find patches with similar parameter setting by right clicking on
a knob and selecting "Find similar..."
- [Imp] Allow to add a patch to a user bank by dragging it onto the free space of
the patch list
- [Imp] [Skins] Add new option "boldRootItems" to tree view style to disable that root
items are displayed in bold font (default 1 = enabled)
- [Imp] [Skins] Add new option "antialiasing" for label style to disable antialiased
font rendering (default 1 = enabled)
- [Fix] Patch Manager might report file access errors that are not relevant
- [Fix] Renamed patches might be displayed with previous name when loaded
- [Fix] Mouse wheel not working on Aliasing and Time Quant knobs