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Rare DSP DrumСlone (Drum Re-synthesizer) v0.6.2 VST3 WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot
20/11/2024 | VST3 WiN MAC | 8 MB
Drumclone allows extracting and modifying high-quality single drum sounds from complex audio sources like songs, samples, or any recording with perceptible percussive elements. Drumclone comes with models* to precisely isolate and resynthesize drum sounds, which allows a fast iterative workflow thanks to its sub-second processing times and drag and drop UI. While it works for isolation, drumclone's main focus is it's sound-design capabilities. Being able to imitate one-shot percussive noises and tweak their attack, transient, noise component, etc, down to the sample-level.

Real-world usage
The utilization of pre-made sounds or song samples is a prevalent practice across various music production genres. Drum samples, in particular, serve as essential components, often forming the structural foundation of numerous compositions. Utilizing drumclone, these high-quality drum sounds can be extracted from existing recordings and subsequently modified without any degradation in sound quality.

Rare DSP DrumСlone (Drum Re-synthesizer) v0.6.2 VST3 WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot

This methodology can effectively isolate a drum sound and mutate it from pure sine-like percussion, to harmonically rich and distorted drum sounds, while keeping the processing fast enough to visualize the results it in real-time.

Unlike traditional extraction methods, which tend to degrade the quality of the sounds with unnatural filtering artifacts and output static audio samples, resynthesis can model the original timbral characteristics of the drums and allows creative flexibility by tuning the underlying formula with simple user-facing controls.

1. Analysis
Processing starts with time and frequency domain analysis of the input. Features are extracted and modeled in the time domain to aid in detecting events and components corresponding to percussive signals in the spectral domain.

2. Extraction
Components are isolated from the input using different soft spectral masks tailored to the component type, built around detected events and user-specified envelopes.

3. Resynthesis
Once these audio layers are reconstructed from the spectral domain, dynamics and stereo processing are applied to refine the output.

These filtered percussive component layers serve as the input for the resynthesis process. Each signal is matched using a synthesis technique that accurately represents their tonal and amplitude characteristics.

4. Mix + post-processing
This is achieved by using different polyphonic or monophonic oscillators (sine and band-passed noise) and generating modulation envelopes that closely resemble the input.

Following resynthesis, the layers are mixed down into a cohesive stereo track. Straightforward cross-fading and summing with predefined curves are employed in the mix.
Finally, stereo and dynamics processing are applied to the output track to achieve a more natural sound and controlled audio levels.

One-shot percussion isolation and resynthesis.
Flexible transient and body sculpting with tone and noise controls.
Fine-tuning with sample-level resolution.
Synthesis models to avoid typical filtering isolation artifacts.
Extremely clear drum sound output for applying further processing chains.
Real-time visualization of every change in the waveform.
Fast drag-and-drop workflow.
Fully offline, no cloud or servers involved.
Sub-second processing times on common hardware.
Multi-segment envelope editors to accurately shape the underlying model.
Low-profile vector UI with data visualization and inline controls.

System requirements


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  Contributor 18.05.2021 2031 1859
Rapidgator | KatFile | NitroFlare
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  Member 12.12.2023 606 3724
Rapidgator | KatFile | NitroFlare
  Member 21.06.2018 391 14354
  Member 20.12.2017 92
this thing is absolutely fantastic, cant recommend it enough to any fellow kick samplers out there.
  Member 27.09.2022 39
Is it better or worse than Kick 3 resynthesis
  Member 20.12.2017 92
i havent tried kick 3 but id hazard a guess its better. to me it's more akin to stem separation tools, just tuned to extract a single clean kick.
  Member 12.01.2024 2 28
you use this to extract kicks from tracks and then use kick 3/kick ninja resynthesis to edit it
  Resident 24.07.2019 15 970
DrumClone already does resynthesis. You can export the kicks without any of the resynthesis if you want to, but in that case you might as well just use your DAW or an audio editor.

Or did you mean that you think Kick 3 and Kick Ninja have better resynthesis algos? I haven't tried either of them, but IMO DrumClone is pretty darn good.
  Member 12.01.2024 2 28
I mean Kick 3 and Kick Ninja have better editing capabilities, but I'd prefer using DrumClone to extract a kick from a full track, you don't need them if you just want to extract kicks and use them as is or if you prefer editing using your DAW's audio editing
  Resident 24.07.2019 15 970
I see. I need to try Kick 3 now that it's available here! I did try Kick 2 long ago, but the new version seems like quite the substantial update from the previous.
  Resident 17.06.2014 359
I tried in kick 3. Maybe i didn't know how to use it. But it only took part of track, literally. Like kick and everything on top and after it. Like a slice. Maybe there is some trick to use it with better results.
|| suck it up and make music with what you have ||
  Resident 2.03.2019 213
I haven't tried this yet but I tried Kick Ninja on many many songs from the 70's funk era
And Kick Ninja sucks very bad it can't recognise the difference between a horn sound or a crash cymbval or any other sound if hey with the kick at the same time it ends up with a chaotic mess which doesn't souind like a drum/kick sample...

I'll be very upset if this free tool can do a much better job I spent $48 on Kick Ninja it's really useless I was thinking it will be able to recreate a kick from like "Stewie Wonder - Jammin" or from any old funky songs but it can't it's just for electronic "clean" kicks which are useless
  Member 20.11.2024 6
drumclone is truly insane, one of a kind, a miracle

(disclaimer; im the dev)
  Resident 2.09.2022 12 123
I was speechless when I tested this thing. You did something amazing in this plugin. I’ve never seen anything like it! Thank you!
We, the people.
  Member 20.11.2024 6
thank you flhtak, I'm glad you find it useful <3
  Resident 18.09.2010 1132
Hey Dev! Way to go popping up here, kudos dude!

Are there plans afoot to extract snares, hi hats, etc, in the future? If so, you have won, every other drum separation dev can just retire from coding, maybe go take up golf, fishing, or how about knitting? Who doesn't appreciate a nice scarf or woolly jumpers during these cold times?
And the truth shall set you free.
  Member 20.11.2024 6
<33 yes! next goal is to release snare processing. will see were it goes from there, I might need to work more on the kick&snare models before going into cymbals and stuff
  Resident 18.09.2010 1132
Already high levels of excitement intensify....
And the truth shall set you free.
  Member 14.03.2016 3 206
Can you compile AU for Logic? Looks great just haven't tried it yet!
  Member 18.09.2023 149
Keep up the great work you've done!!
  Resident 17.06.2014 359
Is free version full feature version? Or there is paid version. Wanna give something back. Thanks
|| suck it up and make music with what you have ||
  Member 20.11.2024 6
hey thanks to you croods2 <3 currently there is no paid version, kick model and overall updates will be free forever.
i'm now working towards a snare model and thinking of adding a one-time-pay license for that one, all part of the same drumclone vst. still have some work ahead. donations help in the meantime
  Member 3.12.2019 12
Hey! Was just wondering if you would ever compile an AU version for use in Logic? :3
  Member 27.10.2021 219
So what exactly can this do...?

I can load in some drum breaks and extract and customize or tweak the oneshot drum samples?
  Member 6.09.2023 24
You scrolled past the actually very in-depth description of what it exactly does... to ask what it exactly does.
  Resident 20.09.2012 5 437
I find this idea very interesting.

Now If I wanted to jack a snare and a Hi Hat from the same drum loop and re-synthesize it as close as possible and making sure I wont hit any copyright infringement ( not that anyone will pay attention anyways but , you know ), How would I do this to get the closest result as possible ?

I'm currently using mvsep which is sent from heaven but that still gives me the original sample splitted in stems.

Now I need to import individual hits and have them re-synthesized so they are ''my own''
(please note the apostrophes haha )

Welp !
  Member 3.11.2024 8
I can confirm this plugin is truly unique and offers more control over how the A.I. recreates the kick. once the kick is recreated i think it would be intersting to then load it into kick 3 or kick ninja to then customize it further. in this plugin you aren't creating custom kicks....this is purely recreating / extracting but with much more control over this function than you would find in other plugins like kick ninja. unique and awesome. thank you!
  Member 23.10.2016 1 141

  Member 22.01.2022 5 114
For anyone wondering, this doesn't work at all with acoustic drums even after a lot of tweaking. Better to use RipX in that case.
  Member 20.11.2024 6
hey, I'm the dev, would love some examples where drumclone is innacurate; I need more diverse test cases in order to improve it.
if you can reach at nico.raredsp at gmail with some source/inputs it would be awesome

thanks in advance

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