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Windows, Mac OSX
Psycho Circuitry miniFET v1.0.3 x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot
24/02/2024 | x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC | 36 MB
MiniFET is the little brother to the + version. But it still has plenty to offer: The same 3 action modes, harmonics multipliers and saturation system, oversampling, a switchable transformer output stage. But it only has 1 harmonics mode (natural) and 1 transformer type (modern). It also does not include: external sidechain, variable sidechain filter, auto-release, dual mono channel mode. But it's the same flexible FET compressor in every other way!

Supports Windows 10/11(x64) & MacOS BigSur+ (**Notarization Soon!** Sorry for the hold up!)

1.0.3 - 2023.12.30
-Fixes Noise Burst with transformer toggle

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