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Windows, Mac OSX, Samples
Clark Audio Lofi Panda 3 Bedroom Beats Expansion-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 11 November 2023 | 7.13 GB
The journey of creating Bedroom Beats began with our exploration of sampling beloved retro 80s synthesizers, including classic polysynths, digital keyboards, and warm sine wavetables. We meticulously processed these samples to capture the distinctive warmth of lo-fi aesthetics. In contrast to the factory presets of Lofi Panda 3, this expansion places a deliberate emphasis on warm digital tones. Providing you with 120 additional sound sources for you to create your own sounds with.

A Blend Of Lofi Synths, Digital Keys, Taped Instruments, & Textural Noises

•120 additional sound sources and 140 presets for Lofi Panda 3
•Instruments sampled from 80s synths, processed, and tailored for modern lofi, hip hop, & electronic music
•A collection of lush pads, dreamy keys, deep bass, & bit crushed leads

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  Member 26.10.2020 24
Didn't work for me. unable to locate new expansion after installing. thanks all the same. M1 Max Ventura 13.6.2
  Member 29.06.2016 4 273
¿Do you have the LoFi Panda last update?
  Member 26.10.2020 24
quote by Bad Noyz¿Do you have the LoFi Panda last update?

I just updated to the latest version and everything now works as it should. Thanks Bad Noyz
  Member 5.11.2012 1 248
Anyone figured out how to fix the expansion problem?
It wont load the correct samples if you just move the preset folder.
It seems to need the SampleMaps folder for that?


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