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Windows, Mac OSX
APU Software APU Loudness Meter v1.9.11 x64 x86 VST AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE] screenshot
09/11/2023 | x64 x86 VST AU AAX WiN MAC | 111 MB
Loudness range meter (LUFS, True Peak, RMS, Peak)

The APU Loudness Meter plug-in is a free dynamic range analysis tool supporting a variety of loudness types (LUFS, True Peak, RMS, Peak). View changes to your audio’s loudness in real-time or get a bigger-picture look with configurable history and histogram views. View both real-time and accumulated statistical information all from one screen.

System requirements: macOS 10.14 (x86, x64, ARM), Windows 10 (x86, x64), OpenGL 3.2.

Supported plug-in types: VST, AU, AAX (Pro Tools 11+).

Release notes since v1.9.8:

- Improve visualization rect cropping glitch
- Update tab for checking latest product versions
- Additional minor fixes and improvements
- Detect all loudness types for file i/o
- Improve quick-access layout
- Improve panel and other layout elements
- Transparent statistics group

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btw, version 1.9.12 is out now.

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