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Kotkas Paax 2 Pro VSTi v2.1.2-H2O screenshot
H2O | 28 July 2005 | VSTi | 1,88 MB
Paax 2 Pro is a powerful VST sampler that matches many of the features
of expensive samplers

- 128 simultaneous voices (Freeware version is limited to 64 voice polyphony).

- Plays 8/16/24/32bit, mono/stereo wav files.

- Access to advanced control panel for each split-layer-channel.

- Access to sample editor controls for setting and tweaking the MicroGranular pitch-shifting option. Transpose sounds without affecting their duration/timbre!

- Ability to fully edit SoundFonts and convert them into .pax banks.

- Up to 4 stereo VST outputs with individual attenuation and pan
controls. Different splits can be routed to separate outputs!

- Up to 8 configurable stereo effect units (4 pairs, one per VST output).

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  Member 27.01.2021 51
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  Resident 11.05.2013 7 289
I really like this type of releases make me remember the old times thank you mnk
  Member 25.07.2019 1 74
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