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Koblo Vibra2000 RTAS VSTi Standalone v1.0.r2-NEMESiS screenshot
NEMESiS | 18 October 2008 | VSTi RTAS SAL | 1,54 MB

The famous Koblo Vibra line of synthesizers is back!

A powerful arpeggiator, the classic Koblo Filter, super light CPU usage and RTAS/AU/VST compatibility - what more could you want?

- A Single window view
- An easy to understand interface
- MIDI CC assignment
- Polyphonic
- Three Oscillator types
- Global tuning
- Pulsewidth modulation
- Simple Arpeggio section
- Portamento
- A lush filter
- Simple Amp envelope control
- Hold note feature
- db output meter
- Pan control
- Session recall
- Session automation

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I was messing with these Koblo synths a while back. I've heard people praise it, but I don't get the fuss. Must be nostalgia.

It's just not versatile enough. In fact it's really quite severely limited. A million synths can do what it does better. And this is from a guy who still likes vintage plugins like DreamStation DXi2 and Gakstoar.

I suppose if you really want to make some cheesy 1997-2001 soft synth techno, this can be your one trick pony.

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