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Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Uhe Diva v1.4.6 WIN MAC LIN Incl Keygen-R2R screenshot
Team R2R | 2023.09.12 | 160.2 MB
Diva: Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analogue synthesizer. Diva captures the spirit of five decades of analogue synthesizers. Oscillators, filters, and envelopes from some of the greatest monophonic and polyphonic synths of yesteryear were meticulously modelled for unmatched analogue sound. Diva is more than a single synthesizer: Recreate an old favourite or mix-and-match modules to design your own unique hybrid.

The oscillators, filters and envelopes closely model components found in some of the great monophonic and polyphonic synthesizers of yesteryear. Modules can be mixed and matched so you can build hybrids, but what sets DIVA apart is the sheer authenticity of the analogue sound. This comes at the cost of quite a high CPU-hit, but we think it was worth it: Diva is the first native software synth that applies methods from industrial circuit simulators (e.g. PSpice) in realtime. The behaviour of zero-delay-feedback filters when pushed to the limit clearly demonstrates the advantages of this groundbreaking approach.

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  Member 7.06.2022 87
Diva 1.4.6 (revision 15017)


Support for CLAP
Support for native Silicon AAX
Support for next generation of NI NKS
Support for latest macOS Ventura/Sonoma
Updated VST3 SDK to 3.7.8
Improved GUI performance
Improved dialog handling
Ctrl A/B "Set as Default" option added to MIDI Table page
Browser: New option to show/hide folders in the context menu
Browser: Saving search results now works via drag&drop
Browser: Description and usage fields now scroll during text input in preset save dialog
Browser: Folders can now be drag&dropped onto tag smart folders
Improved parameter automation in Pro Tools
Improved latency compensation for MIDI event scheduling
Registration dialog now purges unsupported characters (e.g. accidental spaces)
Linux: Support for MTS-ESP microtuning
Windows installer now comes with an uninstaller
Windows installer now remembers last used options
Windows installer blocks installation to "C:\ProgramData" location
CLAP: Optionally display module names next to parameter names
CLAP: Support for note expression (micro-pitch, timbre, pressure, pan, gain)

Fixed Bugs:

Fixed: Crash when holding sustain pedal while switching between mono and poly presets
Fixed: Offline accuracy was always using "same" setting (VST3 only)
Fixed: Aborted preset save operation could lead to wrong meta data in inspector
Fixed: Using "duplicate" option in browser could crash if permissions missing
Fixed: VST3 synth plugin falsely reported inputs to host
Fixed: Glide time was longer when using small audio buffer size
Fixed: Renoise no longer needs "enable keyboard" option for menus to work
Fixed: Plugin focus no longer needed for dropdown menus to work (Mac only)
Fixed: Problem when loading init preset immediately after loading plugin (Mac only)
Fixed: Plugin stayed mono when using "Mono > Stereo" option in Logic
Fixed: Problem with host automation of some parameters (Pro Tools only)
Fixed: GUI glitch when switching to smaller GUI size (Pro Tools only)
Fixed: Problem automating parameters with identical names (Pro Tools only)
Fixed: Preset search input field did not receive mouse input (Pro Tools only)
Fixed: Stuck notes when using computer keyboard to play in FL Studio on Mac (VST3 only)
Fixed: Scroll wheel not working on second display under some conditions (Windows only)
Fixed: Installer now scaled correctly on high-resolution displays (Windows only)
Fixed: Preset overwrite dialog was not showing up (Linux only)
Fixed: Default Author was set to preset name (Linux only)
Fixed: Auto versioning feature wasn't working (Linux only)
Fixed: Right-click preset selection frame wasn't disappearing (Linux only)
Fixed: Input field was empty when editing preset search result (Linux only)
Fixed: Double-click on menus could lead to crash (Linux only)
Fixed: Dialogs always opened at left edge of the screen (Linux only)
Fixed: Dialogs could be opened multiple times (Linux only)
CLAP: No more stuck notes when host playback is started repeatedly
CLAP: Audio buffer now cleared on host reset
CLAP: Improved reporting of latency changes
Lots of small fixes and improvements

Special Notes:

AAX and CLAP are 64-bit only
  Member 6.09.2022 7 245
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 3.01.2011 1 4590
Question it says Mac in the description but it is in the windows section is this for Mac or just Windows thanks
  Member 13.09.2021 88
Win & Mac installer, both included in the rar file.
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
Catégories have been corrected.
  Resident 22.02.2014 76 489
Been using Diva more lately (Mona skin is great!)
I'm always a bit nervous updating versions so will wait to see how things shake out, but looking forward to hearing feedback.
  Member 24.07.2021 10 14
Does anyone know if this version will work with the Mona skin from plugmon? Does the Mona skin need to be updated too?
  Member 21.09.2022 10 362
I installed over old one with no issues. It opened with Mona Skin
  Member 26.07.2022 1 249
Ive looked in this new version 1.4.6 preference menu but I dont see any way of changing it too the MONA skin there is no option to change skins
  Member 19.07.2021 1 146
you gotta put skin folder FIRST, than skin change option will appear
  Member 26.07.2022 1 249
I've fixed it thanks I didnt realise this but installing this new version it installed the uhe folder in documents instead of the previous version it installed the in the vst3 uhe folder so I had 2 duplicated folders but in 2 different folders/locations
  Resident 29.11.2020 29 3010
I keep the Mona Skin full release as Backup. Install Diva over the previous installation, and copy the Mono Skin again into the directory and everything working fine now. Not sure if copying the Mona Skin again is necessary or not, but I did it anyway.
  Resident 18.03.2013 734
Just install it over top and it works fine. Mona skin. Presets etc, all there. No need to faff about.
  Member 13.03.2021 3 172
"Diva: Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analogue"
Never knew the name was an acronym.
  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2350
Thanks a lot!!

I always hope to read of less CPU usage in the improvements.

Will that ever happen?
  Member 24.10.2013 1 49
Have you tried loading it via Audiogridder?
  Member 13.09.2023 3

Click on main, just above that button, there you can select an accuracy mode. Switch to draft and it will need less CPU. I don't hear the difference...

  Member 28.02.2020 16 330
Does Plugmon's skin work with this version?
  Resident 10.11.2013 4 116
Yes! This update will not affect any skins.
“Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”
  Resident 22.10.2021 1 677
Just installed new version over old one, everything works, still regged, mona skin still there and working, and all presets are still available. Great job R2R + funtime
  Member 31.01.2022 86
I don't get it.
I ended up with two versions, old and new.
I uninstalled the old one, llost all my presets.
New one is perfect, but has not a single preset.
Installed old one, installed new one over it.
Now, I have a buggy copy with presets and a new version without.

I've been figuring out cracked software for 28 years, but this one always takes the pi$$.
I have notes for the 1.38 vs 1.44 version that are consise but never true when I reformat. So can somebody just provide a farkin' preset folder, so I can nuke the old folders and move on with my day?

R2R.. Awesome stuff. But this is just the base app!
  Member 12.05.2023 1 212
Support for next generation of NI NKS / This is a gold feature if anyone is planning to buy new NI MK3 Keyboards that announced yesterday. I liked it nice. Thank you
  Resident 14.05.2017 651
So, last version was inside the bundle, problem is i'm not able to find the uninstaller for the bundle or for the single plugins, i don't want to uninstall the bundle of course but i can't uninstall Diva only, not keen to install over it, a user say it's fine, another say he has two version now...
  Member 12.05.2023 1 212
I directly installed over old Diva without any uninstallation... All works fine / no two versions problem
  Resident 14.05.2017 651
Win or Mac? And you did the same for Filterscape?
  Member 12.05.2023 1 212
Mac Ventura M2 Chipset on Logic X pro... I didnt try Filterscape as its a win release
  Resident 14.05.2017 651
Windows here, so i'm not sure if i can do the same without ending up with two versions, thanks anyway.
  Resident 18.11.2017 1 529
You will end up with two versions cause the plugins names is not the same: Diva(x64).dll (new) and Diva.dll (old). I had to delete Diva.dll both VST3 and VST2 for the new version to show up. I don't think all my presets show anymore cause I'm pretty sure I had much more than shows now.

I find it strange that Diva(x64).dll is the official name cause that makes little sense since "All" users now use x64. So it much more logical to name it Diva.dll on a 64 bit system and Diva(x32).dll on a 32 bit system.
  Resident 14.05.2017 651
Ok, thanks, i think you didn't have the last version 'cause the last version (the one inside the bundle) was "Diva(x64)" but i will remove it anyway, there's no uninstaller, as they say on the FAQ version of their website:

There are currently no uninstallers for our plug-ins, but it is on our project list.

For now, you will have to remove our plug-ins manually by deleting a number of files and folders in several locations. The following example uses Diva, but it will work for any other u-he plug-in if you substitute "Diva" with the corresponding plug-in name.


C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\Diva.aaxplugin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\Diva.aaxplugin
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Diva(x64).vst3
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3\Diva.vst3
C:\*YOUR 64-BIT PLUGIN FOLDER*\Diva(x64).dll
  Resident 10.01.2020 143
in the non patched releases like this and the bundle one by R2R the installer in the release are the official setup and official setup does not contain uninstaller .

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