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Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Edisyn Synthesizer Patch Editor Version 33 (FREE) screenshot
Win/Mac | 77Mb
Edisyn is a synthesizer patch editor library written in pure Java. It runs on MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

Version 33 has a patch editor for the entire ASM Hydrasynth family

This required reverse-engineering the Hydrasynth sysex specification and documenting its NRPN spec. The resulting specifications can be found here.

Edisyn is a synthesizer patch editor library written in pure Java. It runs on MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

Edisyn is particularly good at exploring the space of patches. It has to my knowledge the most sophisticated set of general-purpose patch-exploration tools of any patch editor available.

Edisyn presently supports:

Edisyn has infinite levels of undo, CC and NRPN mapping and learning, offline modes, per-parameter customization, real-time parameter updates, test notes and chords, Pseudo-MPE support, and lots more. Edisyn also has many specialized tools designed to help you explore new patch possibilities without directly programming them. These include:

Randomization: Weighted patch mutation
Merging: Weighted recombination of two patches of your choice
Mixing: Bulk recombination of many patches into a single one
Blending: Random recombination of two randomly-chosen patches on your synth
Nudging: Pushing the patch to sound a bit more (or a bit less) like one of four other patches of your choice
Morphing: Real-time interpolation of four patches to form a new patch
Hill-Climbing and Constriction: Evolutionary techniques for guided randomized search through the space of parameters, where Edisyn iteratively offers patch possibilities for you to grade, then looks for new ones based on your assessments.
Deep-Learned Models: Improvements to Randomization and Hill-Climbing using a deep-learned Variational Autoencoder neural network (DX7 Family only)

Instructions for installation on homepage

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