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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
Xenos Soundworks-Straight Up Hip Hop (Massive) screenshot
Xenos Soundworks-Straight Up Hip Hop (Massive)15-08-2012 | xXxuploadxXx| Massive Presets
"Straight Up Hip Hop" contains 64 fresh and powerful patches for your Hip Hop, Dirty South, R'n'B, Dancehall and Reggaeton productions. This soundset ships in both KSD and NMSV formats.

Massive - Straight Up Hip Hop - Patch List

Info :

Click Here to DOWNLOAD 1 Link @ = HIGH SPEED

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  Resident 13.10.2011 2 157
maaaan you have no idea how long I've been waiting for these, maybe you have the xenos presets for sub boom bass too?
fuck yo couch
  Resident 29.04.2012 920
THX for sharing xXxuploadxXx phones
  Resident 10.09.2011 216 1555
Millenium wink

maladroid: np

stillmulus777: mates
  Resident 11.01.2012 231
So dope
  Resident 24.02.2012 721
That's a Cool Soundsets, Thank you@_@ wink
  Resident 30.01.2010 1 1678
Could never get enough presets for this ! Awesome Thanks
  Resident 12.11.2010 163
Thanks man!!

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