Clavia Nord Lead 2x Soundset Pack
Aug 2024 | MID/SYX | 40MB | 18000+ presets in banks and sorted
This is a big soundset Pack for the Clavia Nord Lead 2x, it includes also Sounds made for the Nord Lead 1 and Nord Lead 2 as these can be loaded aswell with the 2x version. Some Soundsets are exported from Discovery Pro (Those also sound different, because Discovery Pro doesnt quite resemble the hardware and also has a few more features the NL2x doesnt have.). There are maybe some duplicates. It is hard to tell, because Clavia didnt really have any preset naming apart from Numbers and Bank naming. But it does have some kind of categories atleast.
These can also be imported to Discovery Pro of course if you dont have the hardware. Enjoy
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more banks added. Articstorm