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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
Starsky Carr U-He DIVA JUNO Patch Bank-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 03 June 2024 | 161 KB
65 patches based on the capabilities of some of your favourite 80’s synths. Keeping things simple but sounding gloriously vintage - extremely useable tones that will take you back to big hair, mullets and a bit of 80’s glam. I’ve got 4 Juno’s here (106, 60, 6 and Juno2) and I’ve kept things as close as I can. They all have a distinctive edge indefinite character… enjoy.

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  Resident 22.02.2014 76 489
Thanks for this.
The metadata is incorrect, but likely an issue with the original.

All presets have these tags:

Pads:Dist+LoFi Pads:Strings
Constant Aggressive Phat
  Member 8.06.2021 2 30
So, does it work?
  Resident 8.08.2019 2 181
Following Statsky on YT for a while now. Check his channel out if you please. Compares hw, really puts in the effort for that and he made me buy stuff. Great lad he is.
yIn audioz

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