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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
Sinevibes Albedo for KORG Prologue, Minilogue XD and NTS-1 screenshot
KORG FX | AudioZ Exclusive | 1.13 MB
Albedo is a granular cloud reverb plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. It continuously records audio into a buffer, and at the same time plays multiple looping snippets from it – with each such snippet or β€œgrain” having its own randomized size and position. Together with feedback and additional stereo widening, this creates a lush β€œcloud of sound” reverb effect. The algorithm also features a β€œfreeze” mode: it can stop overwriting the buffer and play the granular cloud indefinitely, making it possible to layer any other sounds on top of it. This plugin comes in two versions: 16 grains with forward playback (+) and 10 grains with reverse playback (-).

Studio-grade DSP algorithms, calibrated specifically for KORG’s hardware platform.
Individually chosen mapping for every plugin parameter, providing a very natural feel.
Built-in lag filters for noise-free, ultra-smooth parameter adjustment.
Optimized for maximum performance and stability on each individual device type.

KORG prologue
KORG minilogue xd
KORG Nu:Tekt NTS-1

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member who wishes to remain anonymous.

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  Member 2.04.2018 7
  Member 16.01.2014 115
Incredible !! Thank you!!
  Member 24.07.2015 35
great sounding reverb
thanks a lot
  Member 8.12.2019 26
Awesome! Thx !
  Member 30.11.2024 1
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  Moderator 4.06.2022 6 2622
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