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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
Synapse Dune 3 Dune Nights Patches by ML Audio FREE screenshot
Presets | 13.5Mb
A collection of patches I have made showing the Chill, Ambient, Lo-Fi and Synth Pop side of Dune 3. 112 patches in total consisting mostly of Keys and Pads (a handful of Bass and Arps as well). A good amount of time was put into this.

Dune has been my number one synth for a long time so I hope you enjoy!

Free to everyone! Donations are welcome but not expected as I just want people to enjoy these.

A preview of me playing through the Keys and Pads here:

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  Member 21.06.2018 391 14354
  Resident 8.02.2016 191
Sounds nice. Thanx.
  Member 28.10.2021 339
Several patches give error messages when loading.
  Member 13.10.2014 213
Have you put all the .wt files in your C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Synapse Audio\DUNE 3\Wavetables folder? Every time you copy a new soundbank to Dune 3, if it comes with a 'Wavetables' folder with .wt files in it, you have to copy them to the C: folder above (where 'yourusername' is your Windows username).

ML Audio - these patches are AMAZING! I have only just rediscovered Dune 3 after trying it several years ago (I managed to buy it for an 'upgrade' price without actually owning Dune, because Synapse Audio didn't do any checks when you bought the 'upgrade' version. I sold it soon after (it may have been Dune 2 that I had, I can't remember now) - but the 'Genetics' feature in Dune 3 is an absolute game changer - it successfully makes usable (and 20-30% of the time exquisite) patches from two or three existing patches. I don't need any other synth after I found this out. I can take any two pads that I like the sound of and immediately produce ten new pads from them, and save them to my hard drive. I am surprised there aren't huge repositories of these 'Genetics' created patches, because it completely removes the need to spend hours creating new patches - for anybody. Even with just the two factory soundbanks, you can create enough new patches to last a lifetime, with zero effort. Synplant 2 doesn't compare to this, and Dune 3 just sounds so much better than most other synths on the market, as this fantastic soundbank proves!

I was going through first the keys and then the pads, just so many beautiful patches here, incredible - thank you!
  Member 28.10.2021 339
No, it's not a missing wavetable. I have that installed.
It's a missing parametner. Try the Arps, you'll find the problem.
  Member 13.10.2014 213
All the arps, and all the other presets, work fine for me.
  Member 9.01.2021 55
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