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Samples » presets, patches, impulses
LFO Store Korg Wavestate Explorations Soundset-ARCADiA screenshot
Team ARCADiA | Korg Wavestate Presets | 2.16 MB
LFO.Store is extremely pleased to release ‘Exploration’ soundbank for a legendary Korg Wavestate – synthesizer with unique possibilities of multilayer and multifaceted synthesis.

Renowned sound designer Otto K. Schwarz became an explorer of unforgettable soundscapes, which we are witnessing by working with these presets.

This soundbank bringing you up-to-date sounds which are perfect for creating ambient music, soundtracks, EDM or performing live jams.

Flowing and sparkling pads, inspiring cosmic leads, energizing basses, spreading through the universe arpeggios, and many more – 40 useful presets are waiting for you!

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