FXpansion BFD Sleishman Snares-V.R

TEAM V.R | Nov 08 2017 | 1.46 GB
BFD Sleishman Snares is an expansion for BFD3, BFD Eco and BFD2 with 4 premium Sleishman free-floating snare drums.
Sleishman's system of suspending the drum shell without any physical contact with lugs and other hardware with a patented tuning system keeping both heads precisely in tune results in unique sound, sustain and purity of tone.
BFD Sleishman Snares includes a 14" maple shell snare (played with rods and sticks), a 10" maple piccolo (sticks only), a 13" rosegum snare (brushes and sticks) and a 14" blue acrylic (sticks only). Some snares feature additional articulations when used with BFD3 and BFD2.
* - since all the *.exe are self-extracting RAR-archives, MacOSX users should first unpack them somehow
** - new expansions work only @ Team V.R release of BFD3 because preactivated. But R2R release requires activation of expansions.
*** - old expansions from BFD2 updated for BFD3