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Samples » MIDI, SF, Akai
Toontrack Superior 2 Metal Foundry SDX Expansion MIDI-AudioP2P screenshot
Team AudioP2P | 07-16-2009 | 561.85 KB
The Metal Foundry SDX™ is an all-new recording with Meshuggah drummer Tomas Haake, featuring seven massive drum kits, spanning 300,000 sound files of raw, single hit drum recordings in the vein of Drumkit From Hell and dfh Superior,
covering Hard Rock to Metal, from the early Blues tinged sound of the late 60s to the fragmentation of today’s music, from Power through Thrash, Death and Progressive Metal.

The Metal Foundry SDX™ was recorded and produced at Atlantis Studios in December 2008 by the original Drumkit From Hell recording team, Mattias Eklund (Toontrack® Music), Fredrik Thordendal (Meshuggah), Daniel Bergstrand (Dug Out Studios) and Tomas Haake (Meshuggah).

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