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Samples » loops
Aryay – Lion Kit Vol.2 FREE Sample Pack screenshot
Aryay and OWSLA team up to bring you ARYAY'S LION KIT VOLUME 2 & The Official Lawnmower remix contest!!!!

Note from Aryay:

I'm so incredibly stoked for this remix contest and to hear what you guys can come up with! Also I'm so excited for you guys to hear & use all the new samples! I worked really hard to piece this kit together and make it bigger, better, and more unique than ever.

Shouts to Avromi Steinberg for the voiceover, shouts to Chris Soll for the artwork, shouts to Run The Trap for premiering Lion Kit 2, shouts to OWSLA for everything, and as always shouts to all of you guys who have made this fun stuff possible!

Roar. Growl. Etc.
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  Member 17.01.2015 590 157
Aryay – Lion Kit Vol.2 FREE Sample Pack
Support original uploaders always try downloading from them first.
  Contributor 31.03.2014 716 6796
Aryay – Lion Kit Vol.2 FREE Sample Pack | RAR:404.58 MB | EXTRACTED:1.02 GIG

  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17037
  Resident 21.08.2014 10 229
are these drums sample/loops?
  Resident 10.04.2012 1 139
Mostly Drum Kits + Loops + Lawnmower remix stems (MIDI , WAVE)
Living with "Audioz.eu" ...
  Resident 21.08.2014 10 229
i wish these companies could organize there drum/loops into maybe kontakt libraries.. nice share kits sounds pretty good!
  Member 10.12.2013 74
am buldun kılını arıyosun

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