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Samples » Kontakt » Wallpapers
Keyo Kontakt Wallpapers Vol. 13 (including Nicnt files) screenshot
Keyo Kontakt Wallpapers Vol. 13 (including Nicnt files)

Keyo Kontakt Wallpapers Vol. 13 (including Nicnt files) screenshot

Keyo Kontakt Wallpapers Vol. 13 (including Nicnt files) screenshot

Use these files to add the library to your Kontakt library tab.
Copy both files in the root folder of your library and simply add the library using Kontakt menu.

*** Thanks to Keyo for his beautiful artwork***

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and your support

**** Special thanks to DobleY and Tracer ****
Thanks to their work, we can do this today.

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  Resident 15.10.2010 1 293
...and these are both Nicnt & Wallpaper files.
  Member 16.10.2013 79
Wooohoo, thanks!!!
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
Oidua Thank you for pointing that I didn't clearly mention that it includes the nicnt files.

I change this right now.
  Resident 16.02.2012 261
Very Nice Wallpapers. Thanks
  Member 2.09.2013 63
I love them ¡ Thanks ¡
  Resident 18.01.2014 2 574
I love it. Thank you.
  Resident 30.01.2014 6 2352
whats the pass, please?
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
The pass is visible in the peeplink
I put it twice, once at the begining and the other at the end, to avoid this. LOL
  Member 2.05.2014 1
I've just started getting familiar with kontakt.. I know I know.. newbie right.. anyway when it comes to nicnt files are they libraries or...
  Moderator 21.01.2012 2361 16062
No, these are not libraries.
These are files that allow you to add libraries to your library tab in Kontakt.
As I wrote in the post:
Use these files to add the library to your Kontakt library tab.
Copy both files (wallpaper and nicnt file) in the root folder of your library and simply add the library using Kontakt menu.
  Member 31.05.2014 0
Thank you so much in advance for your hard work!
  Member 12.05.2015 377
Thank you!!

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