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Samples » Kontakt


This is what brought SYLLABUILDER to life - an engine that our programmer Alexander Koev worked for more than a year on. The result is a sample library that is quite new and has the following features:

10 singers
range of E3-D5 (C4 = middle C)
the powerful SYLLABUILDER engine (full word building engine) allows you to write words that will be 'sung' by the virtual choir
The Syllabuilder gives you the ideal balance between the detailed control over the words and the fast workflow
ability to Save and Load presets; cross-compatible with future versions.
ability to manually edit each of the consonants or vowel sounds in Syllabuilder text
Polyphonic legato
The ability to overlap different vowels/consonants in a single midi track - one voice holding on β€œAh” (for instance), while the other voices still progressing throughout the lyrics.
Easy to use either live or in your DAW
Intuitive HELP incorporated in the Kontakt patch
Various other scripts that will help you in your workflow
last but not least - the unique timbre of the Ethnic Bulgarian singers
The product is Native Instruments Kontakt 5+ FULL version compatible.

Hope to see the Full version here soon!

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  Member 1.06.2014 8
thank you for this
  Banned 3.08.2012 74 17037
download from free file storage
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  Member 21.06.2018 391 14375
  Resident 17.11.2013 66
Hello, a little help please, I can not get the uncompressed
  Member 11.05.2014 45
I love the quality of the voices.I used vocaloid a little,but i think this sounds way better.
  Member 5.01.2014 1 743
The full version would maybe rival 'wordbuilder'.

Would love to see that here.

  Resident 11.04.2012 198
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 11.04.2012 198
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 25.09.2010 348
This is absolutely a wonderful tool with small footprint! Thanks for making this FREE download known, and thanks for sharing this as well. Cheers! :-)
  Resident 11.04.2012 198
the Comment has been Removed
  Resident 29.09.2012 5 1303
Sorry for late answer...the .rar works fine here (Windows 7)
Dream Trance
  Member 29.05.2015 839
sorry but ... a more normal link do not you have it? ... rapidgator or upload?

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