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Samples » Kontakt
Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot
16/01/2025 | KONTAKT | 2.39 GB
This warm and luscious upright piano combines high technical detail with the essence of the living and breathing woodlands.

Inspired by Icelandic and Scandinavian natural beauty, the Woodland Piano was carefully recorded ensuring that the natural wooden tones and resonances of each moving part of the piano were captured. The Woodland Piano is not your everyday piano: it will never fail to transport you to the wilderness. 7 microphones split into 3 signals. Four articulations + Releases and Pedal sounds

Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot

I recorded the Woodland Piano with seven microphones (three stereo set-ups shown in the walkthrough video) up close and with multiple articulations – normal, felt, muted, and plucked + release triggers and pedal sounds.

Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot

Normal and Felt feature four velocity layers, and along with muted notes feature samples in pedal up and down.

These different mic positions and articulations are important not only because they add a good degree of flexibility within the same instrument, but also because they allow you to explore a wide array of different sounds that you can get from the piano.

Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot

- Tech Info -
The Woodland Piano is a Yamaha upright recorded at 96k 24bit and presented at 48k, using seven microphones for three different close mic positions

Combine 3 mic signals to better fit your mix
Mix different articulations to craft your unique sound
Bring back some life into your sound using the Noise slider

Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot

- Microphones used -
Three Neumann KM184 over the hammers on the top of the piano in a wide AB stereo configuration featuring a center channel
Two Schoeps MK4 just above the center of the instrument, pointing at the hammers in a slightly narrower AB
Two AKG C414 XL II just below the MK4s, again pointing at the hammers in the same AB spread as the MK4s

Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE] screenshot

- Patch Info -
As of 22.06.24, the Woodland Piano is on version 1.3.0
2.40GB download size
For my workaround to trigger Release Triggers during sustain pedal press, please refer to the video walkthrough above at 3:46

Compatible with Kontakt 6.2.2 and up

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