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Samples » Kontakt
GetGood Drums One Kit Wonder Brutal KONTAKT screenshot
One Kit Wonder: Brutal brings a chaotic, ultra-heavy sound to the lineup. With a ferocious snare, pummeling kick, tribal single-headed toms and aggressive cymbals, it thrives on the extremes - whether that's straight-up death metal, post-apocalyptic industrial, blackened thrash or reverb-swamped doom, you'll get what you need. Check out the features:

• Kontakt Player Library (with full NKS integration) and can be used with Kontakt’s Free Player – no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD!
• Mix ready drum tones - good to go out of the box
• A brand new, fully-featured and intuitive UI
• Built-in Groove player
• Built-in Master EQ, Parallel Compression and Reverb
• The entire kit is tuned to perfection, so you’ll never be fighting against sour notes in your mix
• Every sample is phase-coherent for easy layering

It’s our hope that this sample library will remove frustrating barriers in your creative process so that you can enjoy making music to the fullest.



Plug-In Formats
• Mac OS X (64-bit only)
• Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX
• AAXWindows (32/64-bit)
• Stand-alone, VST, AAX
• Kontakt Player 7 -or- Kontakt 7 (latest version)

CPU Requirements
• Mac OS X 12 (latest update), i5
• Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
• An Internet connection and a graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 or higher are required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.
• 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended for large KONTAKT Instruments)

Supported Interfaces
• Mac OS X (64-bit only): Stand-alone, VST, AU, AAX
• Windows (32/64-bit): Stand-alone, VST, AAX
• Kontakt Player 7 -or- Kontakt 7 (latest version)

Required disk space
• 1 GB for Kontakt Player
• 3.5GB for OKW: Brutal Instrument

Thanks to the amazing supplier who wishes to remain anonymous.

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  Member 1.08.2023 19
Thanks both, anonymous supplier and Philos
  Member 10.03.2023 84 329
Nice! To be honest, I'm not a big fan of this specific snare sound (it's obviously a matter of taste and this is a style-specific kit anyway) but I'll definitely try the kick and cymbals mixed with other kits, maybe the toms too.
RIP John Sykes (1959-2025)
RIP David Lynch (1946-2025)
RIP My beloved aunt (1936-end of 2024)
  Resident 7.02.2009 1 843
Oh, I think I know what you mean. A very long debate in the metal scene especially.
Very short and dry sounding snares became almost the norm at least two decades ago.

Edited: yeah, that was it (saw the demo)
[2009] Sorry for my English. I'm working on it
[2017] I'm beginning to improve. Hell yeah, I'm a fast learner :D
  Resident 1.02.2021 10 204
Thanks dudes
  Member 19.08.2014 3
Thanks, but unfortunately impossible to install it, it remains in demo mode. I am with a M4 , Sequoia and a legit version of KTK 7 and 8. I tried Kitty's script, KLU and AdLibrary. Does anyone have an idea? Happy new year to Audioz members :-)
  Member 6.12.2017 54
I will download and let you know how it goes!
Macbook Pro M1 Pro 16" / macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 / Logic Pro 11.1 / Studio One 7.0.0
  Member 2.11.2023 1 3
I had the same issue. Fixed it by copying the new NativeAccess.xml from the latest R2R release of kontakt 7.
  Member 25.09.2021 5 124
quote by pedro ibecheThanks, but unfortunately impossible to install it, it remains in demo mode. I am with a M4 , Sequoia and a legit version of KTK 7 and 8. I tried Kitty's script, KLU and AdLibrary. Does anyone have an idea? Happy new year to Audioz members :-)

I tried with Bobdule's Kontakt 8 & R2R Kontakt Manager (the latest version as of this date), works for me.
EDIT: I'm on Windows.
Make music, neither love, nor war.
Talk sh!t, get h!t.
  Member 19.08.2014 3
Thanks for your help, OS X problem here....
  Member 13.10.2021 4
I've waited a lot for this one! But honestly I wanted the Nu metal one way more, but I'm pretty happy with this one too! Thanks a lot.

Installed and everything worked out great. Installed with Kontakt Library Utilities, on mac ventura.

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