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Samples » Kontakt

Drums Of War 3 brings a fully modern sample set to the Drums Of War series with epic, score-ready percussion instruments and performances. Drums of War 3 is a must have for the modern Composer of Action, Suspense, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres, and Music Producers looking to elevate a record with top-quality percussion.

A collection of beautifully recorded and processed percussion instruments for the modern producer. A new era of cinematic percussion has arrived that demands depth, clarity and punch. Drums of War 3 is here to fill that demand. Designed to be both articulate and massive, Drums of War 3 was recorded and mixed to maintain clarity and bring the score-ready sound you have come to expect from the Cinesamples team. With top quality sound, and a convenient layout to optimize both performance and detailed programming, Drums of War 3 is a must have for the modern producer of Action, Suspense, Thriller, Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres.

Included Instruments:
01 - All Hits + Rolls
02 - Group
03 - Snare Group
04 - Snare All
05 - Djun All
06 - Tom All
07 - Tom Doubles
08 - Bass Drum
09 - Surdo
10 - Gong
11 - Djembe
12 - Bumba
13 - Snare Center
14 - Snare Left
15 - Snare Right
16 - Tom High
17 - Tom Mid High
18 - Tom Mid Low
19 - Tom Low
20 - Tom Lowest
21 - Djun High
22 - Djun Mid
23 - Djun Low

This version requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7.1 and newer!

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  Member 29.05.2015 839
per quale versione di windows è? 7...10...11? perchè non lo dite?
  Member 10.05.2021 1 500
"Works with the free Kontakt Player 6.7.1+ and Komplete Kontrol plugin"
  Resident 31.01.2015 9 260
quote by KingOfSwordsper quale versione di windows è? 7...10...11? perchè non lo dite?

Perchè non è un vst e dipende da quale versione di Kontakt tu usi. La 6.7.1 è per W7, 8, 10, e se usi Kontakt 7 puoi farlo girare su W10, W11.
Se usi Kontakt per Mac lo apri anche su Mac.
  Resident 3.11.2013 3 377
It's a Kontakt Library. So it's not so much the Windows version as the Kontakt version required to run the library. You will find the latest Kontakt version here and my guess is that it runs on both Windows 10 and 11.
  Resident 6.12.2013 251
I think this guy is a troll. He is registered since 2015 and he constantly asks the same stupid question under Kontakt libraries.
  Banned 12.11.2022 985 2113
seems like a frozen account is deserving
Here to provide, enjoy the shares, contribute where you can! PM me to provide supplies and do your part.
  Resident 5.06.2020 7 410
I believe he's just a computer-illiterate person. At least I have good reason to believe that, given his history. I've personally answered some of his questions in the past, in his own language. I'm not sure if anything ever sticks with him, though, that might explain this situation.
You will not be forgotten, Olymoon.
  Member 24.10.2016 79
Lots of entitlement here mate, I suggest taking a deep breath
  Member 12.05.2015 374
Thank you Talula!!!
  Resident 13.08.2012 2 596
Thank you AudioZ

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