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Ejay Techno 1 WAV screenshot
WAV | 44.1kHz mono | converted | 3100+ files | 630MB
The Sample Library converted to WAV from PXD with original file names, if they were available.

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  Member 6.11.2014 56
  Member 21.06.2018 393 14389
  Member 24.01.2014 124
whare it all started
No right and no wrong and no in-betweens
  Resident 13.12.2012 150
I assume you weren't an Amiga guy then...
  Member 24.01.2014 124
haha yea man i mean it started for me and only
No right and no wrong and no in-betweens
  Resident 21.05.2014 81 822
PXD files are mono?
Thank you for bringing us these memories!
  Member 14.08.2020 16
I converted all the libraries from their series. Keep it for nostalgia)
  Resident 7.11.2008 9 441
How did you convert them from pxd to wave, and where did you get all of the libraries?
Without faith nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.
  Resident 23.08.2023 4 229
  Resident 3.11.2020 114
Top job for the conversion !
ALL ejay techno series are more than welcome in WAV.
  Resident 13.12.2012 150
Lol, I remember wasting vast swathes of my life ripping, editing and categorising the samples from this and many other sources back in the 90s. Rebirth mods, Soundfonts, Reason banks, whatever format that had fodder hidden within. Most likely still got all the samples in the archive and can virtually guarantee that I never used a single one of them...
  Resident 3.11.2020 114
You're not alone.
  Resident 7.11.2008 9 441
Arcticstorm, thanks brother for the conversion to WAV. Do you have the original Rave Ejay as well?
Without faith nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.

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