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Steinberg Platinum Guitars (Wav Extract) screenshot
WAV| 44,1Hz | 48Hz | 96Hz
It’s getting hot with the ultimate guitar loop set for your productions. With over 300 exclusively recorded loops, the Platinum Guitars comprises an excellent selection of rhythm phrases, leads and riffs for modern pop, electronic and house music.

*****Wav files extracted for use in all daws*****
Each loop bounced at its original Bpm

Steinberg Platinum Guitars (Wav Extract) screenshot


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  Resident 2.03.2019 6 514
uhhhgh... now steinberg is entering floopy doopy rip off sample market?? Apparently there just weren't enough monkeys putting out thousands of these frikken things every other day - now steinberg has to get into the fray? sheesh...
  Member 21.07.2020 124
a lot of this one are pretty cheesy, although some towards the end of the demo sound nice. most of the packs thus far have been much better. there is something uncanny about a lot of the guitars here, though, they sound remarkably corporate.

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