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Samples, outdated
AMG : The Rhythm Of Life 2 WAV screenshot
394MB, WAV
A classic sample CD from AMG.
This CD contains:
Exotic percussion grooves and hits in an atmospheric, ethnic, ambient vein.

Instruments featured include:
Kodo Drums, African Gogo Bells, Anklung, Talking Drum, Caxixi, Tzumi,
Koto, Tabla, Santor, Noh Drums, African Frame Drum, Shamisen, Steel Pans,
Goud, Scrapes, Crotales, Thunder Sheet, Water Phone, Glasses, Tam Tam,
Bongos, Log Drums, Marimbas, Cowbells, Xylophones, Gongs, Mark Tree,
Praying Stones and more.

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  Resident 2.05.2013 127
Amazing. I didn't know this library was still being sold it on AMG website. I wonder if there was CDDA version when it came out.

Thank you so much.
  Member 2.02.2024 50
Nice sounds on this.
have some fun.

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