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Samples, loops, presets, patches, impulses, MIDI, SF, Akai
WavSupply Lodoni Ether (Sound Kit) WAV MiDi XFER RECORDS SERUM-FANTASTiC screenshot
FANTASTiC | 29 June 2022 | 154 MB
Custom Sound Kit created by Lodoni of MiraTouch/Internet Money

•80 Serum Presets
•80 One Shots
•30 MIDI


•10 KEYS
•10 PADS

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  Member 27.04.2022 545
I reckon the only way they can make copyright claim over a sound or a series of notes, is the same way you can stake YOUR OWN ownership above there's.

Someone claims the series of notes in a midi,
keep what you need and switch the rest of the notes around.
Reverse half a bar backwards.

Somebody claims ownership over the sound in a synth preset?
Swap the filters or wavetables around, until its similar but different.
A lot of "leads" or "Strings" or "Bass" sounds sound similar to me.
So that must be all it takes to differentiate them.

I barely ever heard a synth preset that was so unique, that I've never heard one like it and wouldn't want to mess with it too much. A HANDFUL of weird JunkieXL presets on FM8 sound like that IMO.
  Member 27.04.2022 545
I'm thinking this Serum might have some legs on it.
Compared to similar things.

I've seen top ten lists of wave/synth peers that are rated higher,
but its about the library. And ease of use.

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