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Mercurial Tones Analog Wavetables Vol 1 WAV screenshot
June 3rd 2022 | Wav | 40 MB
We are excited to announce the first edition of the Mercurial Tones - Analog Wavetables Pack.
Mercurial Tones - Analog Wavetables is a selection of analog wavetables recorded using popular analogue synthesizer classics. The wavetables are recorded both alone and with some modulation to enable to construct wavetable pack that emulates and acts in the exact same way the analog oscillators would.

Analog wavetables are sampled from Moog Sub 37, Pro 1, Arturia Brute, Roland Tb 303, Behringer CAT, Roland Juno 106 and Yamaha DX7 to capture the beautiful harmonics and fine details of analog classics.

Exclusive! Only available on

69 Royalty FREE wavetables including
8 Wavetables from 303

10 Wavetables from Brute

9 Wavetables from CAT

5 Wavetables from DX7

4 Wavetables from Juno

8 Wavetables from Pro1

25 Wavetables from Sub37

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