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ToneHub offers instant access to a massive collection of world-class tones created by top producers and artists. Whether you're in the studio, or practicing at home, ToneHub delivers meticulously emulated amp and effects setups from the pros, giving you a versatile library of tones for every genre and playing style.

In version 2.2.0 2025.01

• Added 3 new modes to the Delay FX: Analog, Tape, '50 Echo
• Added 3 new modes to the Chorus FX: Ensemble, Juno, Phaser Chorus
• Added 3 new modes to the Tremolo FX: Pump, Vintage, Doppler
• The existing Delay / Chorus / Tremolo FX algorithms are now the 'Digital' modes
• The Tremolo FX can now be tempo synced and has a tap tempo button
• Fixed issue where the Reverb FX in Hall mode could go into unstable self-oscillation with a max Length value
• Fixed rare "4008" licensing error
• Various other minor fixes and improvements

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  Member 25.06.2015 30
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