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REQ: AlexB 4KeQ Brown Ultimate AI for Acustica Audio Nebula screenshot
The legendary sonic signature of an early 80 s classic: the punchy Brown "02" was the original eQ fitted to all consoles prior to the summer of 1985, it has a unique character which sculpts the sound perfectly to fit in the mix. Great on Drums, Bass and electric guitars this eQ gives grittier sound when pushed.

What’s in the library programs
- ULTIMATE AI proprietary technology in sampling and programming for superlative audio quality
- 4 sample rates: 44.1 - 48 - 88.2 - 96kHz
- Nebula4 special Skin by JPN, Nebula3 Standard AlexB Skin

- Filters: High Pass from 20 to 350Hz 18dB/oct, Low Pass from 3 to 20kHz 12dB/oct.
- Low Shelf/Bell: Shelf & Bell filters from 30 to 450Hz +/- 15dB variable, bell fixed Q 1.3
- Low Mid Bell: Bell variable from 220Hz to 600Hz +/-15dB variable, variable Q from 0.5 to 4
- Mid Bell: Bell variable from 600Hz to 3200Hz +/-15dB variable, variable Q from 0.5 to 4
- High Mid Bell: Bell variable from 3200Hz to 7000Hz +/-15dB variable, variable Q from 0.5 to 4
- High Shelf/Bell: Shelf & Bell filters from 1.5k to 16kHz +/- 15dB, bell fixed Q 1.3

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  Member 21.09.2023 1 225
yes please! ive heard this is the eq to end them all. somebody here has to have the upgrade path of 9$.
  Member 14.11.2023 104
É... Vamos se alguma alma caridosa nos fornece pelo menos a de 44,1. Obrigado.
  Member 25.05.2023 5 102
Alex will make a poop again. I bet this have timebomb bug (not crack, sampling issue) that will become a problem when it will be investigated. Alex always mess things up and lie on GS forum making excuses.
VVKT is dead. Dead and stupid. Just face it.
  Member 17.02.2024 4 215
dude go away

i've literally seen 100 comments from you and every single one of them is negative. Go back to the bridge from under which you came.
  Member 12.05.2024 3 12
I have bought both the AI EQs ( black and brown), sounds great .

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