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REQ: Incandescent Equation 1.0.1 screenshot
Equation is a Max For Live dynamic equalizer (M4L devices only work inside Ableton Live).

Besides standard equalization, the device covers an array of usages, including stereo imaging, resonance removal, transient shaping, and subtractive synthesis. It presents an intuitive, shortcut-based Display interface that showcases detailed visualizations and allows for seamless and effective editing.

Key features:

Keytrack (aka Frequency Modulation)
Brickwall filters
Per band Stereo Placement (Stereo/Left/Right/Mid/Side)
Gain Reduction or Boost available for all types (including LPF and HPF)
Gain ADSR envelopes
6 Audio and MIDI Sidechain Inputs
Phase response plot
Resizable window display
Current version: 1.0

Requirements: Ableton Live 10+ and Max For Live

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  Contributor 3.05.2011 678 4730
looks like improved EQ 8 from Ableton. good find.
If you want to supply something, you can. PM is open for that.
  Member 14.06.2024 1
This would be so good to have, its about time live has a dynamic eq
  Member 2.09.2022 13 89
Ableton EQ 8 on steroids...
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