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REQ: Udemy Delay Masterclass by Jor Van Der Poel screenshot

Unlock the full potential of your Delay Plugins

What you'll learn
Making Reverbs with Delays
Making Flangers with Delays
Making Comb-Filters and Melodies with Delays
Using Delays to create wild Sound-Effects and Ambient Background Sounds
Making a full song with just Delays

The Shapeshifter of Music Production

Delays have been an important part of audio production and mixing ever since it was invented, more than 60 years ago!
Which is a pretty rare thing in this consumer-driven digital audio space, where a new plugin seems to see the light of day almost every week. The reason for it's long standing career? Versatility.

When you dive deep into the inner workings of "classic" effect processors you'll find that most of them are based on a delay in one form or another. This means that the opposite is also true, with delays we can re-create a whole bunch of effects, Reverbs, Flangers, Chorusses and even comb-filters which we can use to make melodies (or growling bass sounds).

That is the essence of this course, we're going to make sure your old delay plugins becomes your new favourite tool.
To showcase this we'll use a combination of Echoboy, by Soundtoys, and Fabfilter's Timeless 2 plugin. We chose these two plugins because they are designed in completely different ways. What this means is that you don't need both of the plugins to follow along with the course, or even one of them, all of the techniques are usable with most standard delays. As always we're most interested in learning new techniques. Tools are just that, tools.

This course, which features more than 3.5 hours of quality content, shows the true shapeshifting capabilities of Delays. To really drive this point home it ends with a video that shows how to create a full track, just with a delay plugin.
And yes, don't worry, we'll also talk about rhythmic delays..

What you'll learn

Making Reverbs with Delays

Making Flangers with Delays

Making Chorusses with Delays

Making Comb-Filters and Melodies with Delays

Using Delays to create wild Sound-Effects and Ambient Background Sounds

Making a full song with just Delays

Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to learn more about Delays

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